If you were to remake the leprechaun 3 inflation scene?

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If you were to remake the leprechaun 3 inflation scene?

who would you have in it?

Since she recently turned 18 I'd say Chloe Grace Moretz

for an older option Christina Hendricks


what do you guys think? and if you love this scene add me on Yahoo messanger adrianexpansion@yahoo.com

also adriant1987 on skype

xxxspanky13xxx's picture

She would be a good choie, but also Emma Roberts from American Horror Story would also be hot. Also since they were in horror before, Jennifer Tilly, Anna Paquin from True Blood, Tara Reid from Urban Legend and American Pie, and Sherri Moon Zombie, and of course with CGI.


Jennifer Connelly, definately.  And I'd like to see the scene lengthened to allow her to get much bigger, possibly crossing into full body inflation.


That-oneweirdguy24's picture

Hm. Y'know, I think Anna Sophia Robb is in her 20's now, and given that she played another famous inflatee... i'd also tweak the scene to make the lip inflating a little more subtle.

Buttocks and Bellies and Breasts, oh my!


Hellrsident-infl8 could do it as a sequence fer 15 bucks sadly



But well worth seing chloe or Jennifer connolly inflated in a sequence 


Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Well first, Why are there three leprechaun movies? Did we really need more than one??? 

And second, Rinko Kikuchi is the answer for everything, this included.

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity