Attempting Writing Again

Well, I've been bouncing in and out of this fetish, and I've been trying to find a "something" that would help bind me or tie me more to it. Upon further thought, I reconsidered writing. It has been years, almost a decade since I wrote anything, and I stopped mostly due to school and life. Inspiration came in spurts, but not enough to keep me writing.

So I'm reaching out a bit to the community for advice and some story inspiration:

First, I'm not sure how stories have developed in the community over the years, but I'd like to hear from some community goers, and other writers, of inflation-fiction do and dont's. Preferred length, number of characters, level of detail, level of character development and other things of such nature.

Second, I'd like to hear some story ideas from community members, or from other writers. I know this sounds like a "taking requests" shout out, but I'm looking more for a story I can get something out of rather than something that's purely fantasy or sexual. Most things inflation I'm more than well versed with, and I'm a romantic, so that should give a good basis for what I'm good with. That said, I will respond to ideas I'm fond of, and I will state any issues I have there and then.

With that, thank you in advance for future suggestions and ideas.


Want to know the trick to writing good inflation stories? Don't make inflation the main focus point. Come up with an idea you can write about then add an inflation twist. 


For example, I wrote a comedy story about a girl who found a genie and wished to be able to grant her own wishes. It worked and she used her power to help people, but there was a catch. The magic to grant wishes was stored in her breasts! The longer she went without granting wishes the bigger they grew! 


Just my two cents.

I'm mean. 

GiftedShana's picture

I figured that would be a good start. Most stories I see drive and inflation/expansion right off the bat, without elaborating the backstory, the scenes, or the characters. At most, I'd like to make inflation/expansion an accent to the goings-on within the story world. I feel that would give the story more range and depth.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.


doubleintegral's picture

This is only true if the story focuses on inflation at the expense of literally everything else.  Many stories in our fair community do so.

Hallmarks of a good story are good characters, good dialogue, good plot events, good spelling/grammar/punctuation, consistent storytelling, and a certain X-factor that keeps you interested and makes you want more when you reach the end.  That's hardly an exhaustive list but every good story I've read exhibited most or all of those traits.  A story without any or most of them is probably going to be forgettable, regardless of the relative importance of the inflation content.


Hi Shana, I just started posting my stories recently on dA and on here. I would definitely agree that inflation is just part of the story and that the character development is going to one of the biggest parts. I've always been a fan of giving indeterminate sizes of the inflation. Instead of saying something asinine like "her 38SS cup boobs continued to blow up...", use descriptions that leave a certain amount of mystery to the reader. Since this is all fantasy, I've always thought that the job of a reader is storytelling and leading the readers toward what you are trying to tell. Our own imaginations fill in a lot of the blanks for us. 

Length wise, level of detail, and number of characters is a little harder. Large groups of characters are hard to ke track of, and going into too much detail about ones backstory can bog down a story. Start writing and think about what feels right with the story, maybe make an outline and then write ways to get from point A to point B. For example: 

If I wanted to write a story about a girl working at a party store blowing up because some improper equipment usage, I need to write why she works at the store, who is there with her, what kind of day is it, how are her relationships, why was using the helium tank that way, does she like the inflation, what is her mood...

i get an idea and try to use inductive reasoning from what I have written, can I answer question about the character by only reading the story? Does that make sense? Just trying to help out a fellow writer, message me if you need any proof reading or brainstorming. 


doubleintegral's picture

My recommendation would be to not get too caught up in stuff like how long your story should be, level of detail, and such.  Those are all very subjective and very specific to the idea you want to communicate.  Some stories need 2000+ words, some are too long at half that.

I've linked to this a few times and people here are probably tired of it by now, but a couple of years ago I put together "Writing a Better Inflation Story".  Some of that may be of assistance to you, some of it may not, but I believe in it.

GiftedShana's picture

Much thanks to the both of you for giving your suggestions. I'm glad to get some feedback. For now I'm wanting to start a series of unique short stories like I did in this thread:

I figure they are different from your casual stories, but I'm hoping they aren't too different.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.



I echo what double says, and his guide is most definitely helpful. 

If you ever need a subject for your short stories, similar to that thread, I might be game :)

let us know how it's going, well-written stories can be a hard find!

GiftedShana's picture

Many thanks. Having a support system might help me get in gear to produce stories again. It has been ages, but I'm wanting to bring more to the table than my simple being in the community.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.



Of course! I met someone who has since started proof reading my writings on here and it has been very helpful. Let us know how we can help!

GiftedShana's picture

Very well, if anything, I'd like to know if my short stories(url posted above in earlier message, to the thread which contains them, first page) would be a good way to re-introduce myself. Having a review on their structure would be helpful in whether or not I should continue them.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.



I'll take a look through your stories and give my two cents, try to give some constructive feedback for you and some tips if applicable. 

doubleintegral's picture

I can review your stories as well if you'd like me to.

GiftedShana's picture

It would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.


LutherVKane's picture

Interesting timing. Ten years and ten days ago Inflate123 wrote Advice for Writers. It's well worth a read and the occasional re-read. DoubleIntegral's suggestions are also quite good.

I don't always write linearly, though. I'll write whichever scene seems clearest in my head at the time. Sometimes I'll of a twist, turn of phrase, or metaphor that I find particularly compelling and I'll write that scene out while it's fresh in my mind. Go with whatever method works for you.


GiftedShana's picture

Its just hard to find one's beginning. I used to write a bit a long, long time ago, and a bit of it was fetish fiction. Though, life happened and motivation was hard to come by. I think its about time I pick up the old habit, and having others to share and discuss my opinions will certainly help.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.



At a certain point too, you have to put yourself out there. I wrote my first balloon fetish story over the course of about three years, but when I posted it publically on dA I found that inspiration was put into high gear and wrote seven parts to that story in about a month. 

I look forward to reading your tales!