Personally, I've noticed there's a defininte line of division in the furry fandom. There are those, like my friends, for whom it is just a fetish like any other. They dress up in costume, play a character, get off on it, and that's it.
Then there is the side I don't understand. They think, behave, and otherwise are their character all the time. Maybe it's just my lack of knowledge on the subject, but I just find those who refuse to turn it off a little peculular.
Anyone who might be offended, I apologize, and please feel free to enlighten me. I'm always happy to learn something new.
Alright everyone, been a while since I've done a poll, so lets get another one going!
I notice quite a bit on the forums I notice some posts from what looks like members of the furry fandom. Since from what I've found (and friends have confirmed), furries have a very large inflation community, it's not surprising too see some members on here. I say that no matter the background or group, we all share a similar fetish and everyone is welcome on here. But I would like to see some interactivity and have users vote on this topic, and better yet, say why and how you like inflation in the (furry) community.
Examples for the poll:
I'll start by going first. My answer to the poll is #3, my reasons being that growing up I played a lot of games and when I first was exploring my fetish, anthropomorphic art was the dominating field for that medium on the internet (at least that I knew of). Since as gamers know, there are some overly attractive anthropomorphic creatures in gaming (Krystal from Star Fox, Rouge the Bat, ETC...), sometimes kinks get a little bit of leeway. I don't actively browse the art, but I do still enjoy it, and I would also love to at least try one of those inflatable animal suits (I love to entertain and to dress up, so this doesn't surprise me). I do not consider myself a member however, and ironically and truthfully, I am a little offput by the general real life fursuits (due to the uncanny valley effect). I have no problem against furries, and I wish them so much wellness out there as we know how society treats those whom are not part of the social norm.
(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)