Full body helium inflation spell?

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Full body helium inflation spell?

Hello everyone

Now most of you won't know me due to this being my first post yet being a member for quite some time. I was curious if anyone who has expertise in the world of real magick and spell craft would like to try and make a working body inflation spell. With that in mind I am only putting one restriction. The spell has to work by only using words and nothing else. Now I know that not everyone is open and has different opinions on the topic of Magic. But for those who do believe in it and those who are skilled in the craft and willing to create a spell I and probably many others would love to use them. I will be testing every single spell that meets the criteria and is actually serious. Can't wait to see what you guys can come up with because believe me, as a Dragon, I know that this stuff is possible and is nothing compared to the types of magic that I have seen.

If someone would make a full body inflation spell for me I would be the happies man in the world.


I'd recommend checking into reality for a stint, see of that doesn't yield results.

SirFrancisThe3rd's picture

Sir, my brother is a great psychiatrist if you need one I'm sure he could... maybe help you?

Well, it's been fun

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

I think that he is treating this like a fantasy realm. You might have better luck posting this in the roleplaying section.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


If only.


As I had posted before not everyone is open to the idea of magic being real. And it should go without saying that people who post on this topic just to be asses or be biggots are immature small minded people who are just looking for attention because they are insecure. I don't care what you call me as this post is open for those who are willing to try it and if people like you three are just posting to be mean then go get a life and learn to be an adult and not an immature little 15 year old child when you should be behaving like the age you are supposed to be.

If someone would make a full body inflation spell for me I would be the happies man in the world.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture
  1. I can say with a fairly strong level of confidence that the above people aren't looking for attention and are not insecure. This isn't YouTube.
  2. People are supposed to be 18 or older to be on this site. Judging from their past writing styles and length of time spent on here, I can safely assume they are at least that age, probably older.
  3. Personal attacks like that are immature. Any adult that's grown up doesn't call out others and insult them by having disagreeing views with you. They are well within their boundaries to say that, and trying to attack them like that just makes you look like an underaged ass.

You said people may not be open to your ideas, so don't criticize them if they do not share ideals, and to most people, treat you like the way most people would treat your scenario. Your welcome to believe in your ideals, but you should brace for those who seek to degrade your stance. Calling people immature and 15 doesn't exactly make a strong defence towards that. Try to prove them wrong or reinforce your point, but don't be overly aggressive.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

CorpulentArtifice's picture

I mean, try whatever spells you come across, and let me know if you find anything that works, but to the best of my knowledge, real magic really doesn't work like that.  If reality were a random number generator, magic would be a program that increases your chances of getting certain results (though without any guarantee on any specifics, unless you're really experienced).

At any rate, I highly doubt any real inflation of that type would be possible through magic.  Like I said, though, do keep us posted on your search and results.

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo

GiftedShana's picture

Stand up for what you believe it, even if you're standing alone.

The world is a perilous imperfect, and no matter how real or positive or likeable a thing is, there will always be those who seek to say, or do, against it. If you are fully convinced in what you say, don't let others sway you. Although, it does pay to be aware of what you believe in. Not in just how you view it, but how others around you view it. Its much in the same way of interacting with someone of a different religion: though you may have different views and beliefs, its still proper to have a sense of understanding of the other side.

That said, magic is the stuff of fantasy, but one person's magic can be another's miracle. If you are strictly looking for some force or practice that alters reality by strength of will or what have you, you may have a hard time in your search. Who knows, maybe it does exist, and a majority of the world simply doesn't know about it because they lost that innocent spark to believe. Reality has an odd way of making people verrrrrry cynical, but then again, reality you can rely on. Its there, its tangible, it can be interacted with, it can be manipulated.

I hope your endeavors to find what it is your looking for are fruitful. Just move forward knowing you don't have to prove yourself to anyone besides yourself, and stick to it. Best of luck in any case.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.



This is a very interesting and motivating comment :-)