Hello everyone
Now most of you won't know me due to this being my first post yet being a member for quite some time. I was curious if anyone who has expertise in the world of real magick and spell craft would like to try and make a working body inflation spell. With that in mind I am only putting one restriction. The spell has to work by only using words and nothing else. Now I know that not everyone is open and has different opinions on the topic of Magic. But for those who do believe in it and those who are skilled in the craft and willing to create a spell I and probably many others would love to use them. I will be testing every single spell that meets the criteria and is actually serious. Can't wait to see what you guys can come up with because believe me, as a Dragon, I know that this stuff is possible and is nothing compared to the types of magic that I have seen.
I'd recommend checking into reality for a stint, see of that doesn't yield results.