Why my belly is growing? Help me!

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Why my belly is growing? Help me!

Hello i started to make belly inflation with water some months ago and ive been doing since this, my problem is: my belly has grew a lot in the last months and weeks, i didnt gain weight, im very skinny and i never had even a tummy but on the last months since i started to pratice belly inflation i started to create a belly , my belly started small but keep groing and now its big and hard (not inflated), i can see only the top of my toes when i look down, my shirts are getting more tight and people have been noticing, its a little embarassing. My last inflations have been huge, and i grow more and more each inflation i do. Is this big belly some result of my inflation, maybe streching? if i keep inflating my belly will keep growing? is this usually happends? is normal or not?  PS: this happends when im NOT inflated!

this is making me scared, i never had any belly and in a few months a big one sudently apeard. i cant be a 19 years old guy with a 40 big belly, please answer my questions above! Thanks.

BalloonInflator's picture

First of all, if you're doing it correctly, water inflation should be hardly any different than an enema. They do it all the time in hospitals. Many people do it at home to relieve constipation. Water goes in, you hold it for a while, water comes out (with other "stuff"). There's nothing left behind.

So, there's nothing that would cause your belly to grow after the fact. Plain and simple. The swelling caused by the inflation goes away once the water is gone, simply because there's nothing there to cause the swelling anymore.

If you really are having a problem, and not jerking us around for some fantasy schtick like some people like to do, you should seek medical attention. Clearly you hare experiencing something not related to this fetish, and you need the help of a professional. We're not doctors, or at least I'm not.

Go to your doctor. Enough said.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


Thanks for the advice and im really not jerking you guys

BalloonInflator's picture

I'm glad you're not just clawing for attention. Still, continued expansion after you've stopped, no matter how gradual, is just not possible under normal cirucmstances. In works of fiction, you see this kind of thing happen all the time, so you can see why I might be sceptical.

I know I've already given my advice, so I'll reiterate as little as possible. Stop what you're doing. Even if inflation isn't the cause, you should still stop in case you are in fact sick with something. Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Monitor your condition, making note of important details such as discomfort, appearence, and other physcical sensations. Something is seriously wrong, and you should treat it as a medical situation to be dealt with by a medical professional. I hope you find your answer soon.

Best of luck.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


Thanks for Everything!


 Stopping and seeing a doctor is your main priority. Let us know how you go.