Kind of annoying

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rosette.emyx's picture
Kind of annoying

I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed but a love for bodyinflation isn't portrayed well by the media and some sites. Either it is portrayed as something funny or people just don't get it. There is also a lot of misinformation about it and it is frequently discussed negatively. I'm new to this site but people have responded negatively when I discussed body inflation on non-inflation sites. I don't think that should be the case but I guess there is nothing I can do about it. So many other things are accepted that it doesn't make sense why body inflation still confusing people. I apoligize if someone already discussed this or if I'm the only one who feels this way.



Well, I understand the problem here. But the issue is how do you really talk about inflation from the viewpoint of someone who doesn't know much about it themselves? It is a very surreal idea, even if the idea of big girls being attractive had been around for a very long time. I suppose it's an issue of culture and how people these days are always about being a size smaller. I find the problem to be the same with balloon fetishism.

rosette.emyx's picture

You're right, I was just being too optimistic. I guess it is a stretch to get others to understand but I don't think it is too much to ask for it to be treated like other fetishes. For example, if someone has a foot fetish or they are into domination, people would respond more positively. 

BalloonInflator's picture

Don't let it get you down. I'm sure those people with a foot fetish feel the same way sometimes. It's all a matter of perspective. General fetish sites are almost certain to have those groups that are shunned and looked down upon. That's why sites like this one exist. Needless to say, you're welcome here, and if you ever feel like someone is persecuting you for your views, you can always report them to the site administrator.

I'd like to think that optimism hasn't been misplaced with us. You opinion matters here, and you should always feel comfortable expressing yourself.


Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...

rosette.emyx's picture



You're right, It would be great if people would treat it like the other fetishes. I'm sure like the other person said people with other types of fetishes like the foot fetish have periods of time when they are made fun. You just have to find a group of people with the same mindset.

GiftedShana's picture

While I can't say I haven't had a real negative conversation regarding inflation/expansion, I also can't say I've had a positive one with individuals who aren't in-the-know. Most conversations I've had with inflation as the topic have light-hearted and jovial, with to some degree mocking of the idea. Inflation, as it pertains to how we imagine it, is a very unrealistic and cartoony. I think its due to its origins that people can't take it seriously.

The flip side though is that people are generally pensive or afraid of things they are not familiar with. People are afraid of change, as the expression goes. Now days, seeing eye to eye can be one of the hardest things to do. So while it might never be an easy thing to express to others, there's always the hope that someone out there has a level head on their shoulders and is willing to understand what it is we like without actually being a part of the fetish. I can say for certain that being in this fetish has made me more accepting of other walks of life, mostly for the reason that I have no space to argue given that I am a part of this fantasy kink.

As for foot fetish and bdsm being more acceptable, there will always be double standards. Legitimately, those fetishes have been around much much longer than inflation fetishism, but more prominently, they are acts that involve the real. They engage the body and the mind moreso than our fetish. Yes, an argument can be made that we engage the mind more, but its hard to say. Who knows, maybe our presense will catch on one day, and the world over will accept all acts of inflation, whether in the real or in fantasy, as common place. Its a far off hope, but a pleasant one nevertheless.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.


Tai Lin
Tai Lin's picture

Personally, I feel it's much like Shana says, with a mix of the internet being the internet. I personally have found that telling people about my fetish IRL generally goes over well. I might get the occassional 'interesting' or 'not the weirdest thing at least', but on the internet people can be as harsh as they want and never really give anything new a chance sinse they don't want to.


It is really annoying that people have to be so judgmental over anything that isnt vanilla sex. I guess its just an instinct that humans have that makes them react negatively to things they don't exactly understand. It isn't their fault, but ironically, I don't come across very many of those who hate it. I actually got two women into the fetish recently XD one of those girls even drew me as a blueberry!


Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

First off, I want to link this comic someone did on (us) inflationists, that actually displays it in a positive light.

Secondly, I was going to write a lengthly statement on it, but it appears that GiftedShana covered everything I would have said with the english and grammar improvements I need to learn from.

On her note, it also boils down to that thing about humans being afraid of things they don't know. Since inflation in media has always been a joke and never shown as a legitament fetish, it becomes fodder for websites and media outlets to poke a stick at. What people don't get is that most fetishes aren't chosen, and since the social world doesn't like to talk about sex or things based around it that much, rather than be understanding of what we all have, it becomes judgement grounds for what's accepted and what isn't. People don't remember or don't know that people are stuck with these kinks, and it's 100% humane to have one as its the brain giving guidelines for a suitable partner, even for something as bizzare and almost senseless as inflation. I went to college for television, and even in that you don't have to take a course to know that people watch things that are different/unusual so they can be fasinated, oblivious to how it makes sense or why it makes sense. Because fasination is entertaining, and it gives people something social to discuss about.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


I am more annoyed that most people actually put feeding / fat under the category "inflation". Especially over at inflatechan

Blue_Eyes's picture

You're problem is trying to convince/talk about a fetish you enjoy to people who do not know about it/understand it....and on a non fetish related site apparently to make it worse. 


Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


*Your* ;)

What you accuse me of is wrong. Quote me where I said this please?

Are you refering to inflatechan? Last time I checked that place is not a "non fetish" site ;)

I just questioned why they put feeding / eating / fat under the category "inflation".
I suggested they make another thread for this so it would fit the category more and would be easier to find content you are looking for.

GiftedShana's picture

I think Blue-Eyes was refering to the OP.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.



Ah, ok :)  my bad


I'm afraid I have to disagree, it's not about inflation, it's about privacy and diversity.

One thing is privacy of the private life. Okay, true, right now I write this at work, and around 10 people + passers by can see what's on my screen and they don't care as long as work gets done. People had the same attitude everywhere I worked - both here, and in Western Europe where I've spent some years. But exposing personal information in public is a crime in every country I've ever been to ^_^ so be careful about that. Besides, it's just unsuitable to make someone uncomfortable ^_^

Another thing is diversity. I've seen a postcard when I was a small kid: a rabbit who likes carrots is trying to catch a fish using a carrot as a bait. Not going to work, right? Same here.

Please don't feel harrassed or alone because some strangers you talk to are more... straightforward... than others. At this forum we all like some form of inflation, so it's easy to find acceptance. A family is also a circle of acceptance - your family your rules ^_^ Be comfortable, be free. And looking forward to the amazing things you can do.


People are just really mean.. ;m;


You're right helium_goddess some people are mean. Especially on the internet where there is no real contact and people can hide behind usernames.

That being said there are a lot of great people out there too. It just takes some searching around to find them.

darth_clone19's picture

You knpw Ive never cared about what other people say or cared to discuss it elsewhere. Never really had an interest in knowing what people thought on the internet or a public medium. Ive talked about it with friends and people Ive dated, plus I got this forum, so I dont have this need for inflation to be discussed outside. All my needs are covered by trying to contribute to this community.

 -   Read my stories: 

airtankgirl5's picture

I'm of a similar mind to Darth Clone.  I like what I like, then there's a whooole bunch of things I don't like that I don't care about, and then there's a very few things that I detest, that I largely either keep to myself or share and I don't care what other people think.

And there's my moral in this:  Grow up.  Don't care what other people think.  If I don't like what you like, even if I'm vocal about it, who cares?  If you don't like what I like, even if you are vocal about it, who cares?