Hellooo! c:

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Phoenix-Left's picture
Hellooo! c:

I've been lurking around the site for a while now, decided to finally join the ranks. ^u^

Well, now that I've joined the forum I don't quite know what to say, haha.

I suppose I'll look forward to meeting you all, holding discussions with you all, and enjoying the fetish with you all. c:



Welcome aboard. What is your fetish? There are many "sub fetishes" inside inflation

Phoenix-Left's picture

Yes. I've noticed all the genres.

Mostly full body inflation/expansion of any kind. I've only really only acknowledged this fetish a year or two back, so who knows what exact aspects I might like? Time will tell, then, eh?



Cool. What made you get into it? Childhood experience or some recent happening?

Phoenix-Left's picture

Hm. I couldn't quite say. I've noticed that a trend with some inflation fetishists is seeing the famous Violet Beauregarde scene from Willy Wonka. I can't quite recall exactly when, but I can remember seeing it when I was young and feeling rather awkward when seeing it. I can remember from then on I continued to feel perturbed whenever I saw inflation on television and such. Perhaps my brain had "attached" to it and found it arousing before I did? cx



Sounds like me. When I saw it before I hit puberty I didn't know what to think of it. But inside I knew I liked it. 

Daemon13's picture

Same here with scene and others such as Big Trouble on Little China or Live and Let Die. Only realised it was really a thing  for me when i found the community and other like minded folks. Welcome aboard! ^_^

BalloonInflator's picture

Welcome aboard! If you read around the forum, I'm sure you'll notice we're a fairly diverse group here with a wide range of opinions. Some people are friendly and helpful, others not so much, but I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay.

Happy inflating!

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...

Phoenix-Left's picture

Thanks, everyone, for such a warm welcome. ^.^



Welcome! As a gamer myself, I can appreciate the choice of profile pic. Ace Attorney's awesome! Hope to see you around the forums. 

Phoenix-Left's picture

Thanks, nice to meet another Ace Attorney fan among the ranks. ^^
