Seeking Roleplayer for Long Writing

I'd like to find a few RP partners who are capable of keeping up to me as far as my post length goes. Lately I've been getting frustrated in finding people who just post one or two sentences as a response, as I want to have more focus on story and character development (coming from a writing background).

I'm looking for someone who wouldn't mind roleplaying and would enjoy writing something that turns out to be a longer story (versus a 'quickie' story). I play with a female character (preferring to be the inflatee), and enjoy stuffing / wg, and inflation with both air and liquid. I'm willing to try now things, but I'd like to try and keep overly sexual themes out of the writing (doesn't mean things wont go that way at all, I'd just rather that not be the core basis of the story).

If you're interested, please post here, or send me a personal message.


I'd love to be your RP partner. I tend to be wordy with my RPs anyway 

TayvaRP's picture

Awesome, I'll fire off a message to you

Phoenix-Left's picture

Ah, I know how you feel entirely. As a literature student, I'm almost offended when roleplay partners respond so blandly and simply.

Yeah, I'd love to RP with you. That is, if you don't mind using the private messaging system here on the site. I lack any sort of instant messenger that users on here tend to use. I know, I really do have to look into one of them. xc


TayvaRP's picture

No worries, I can work with that :)

Honestly if you were going to choose, I'd suggest Yahoo, but that might just be me (and the fact that I constantly have to switch between two Skype accounts :P )

Anyways, I'll fire off a message to you as well.

Million22's picture

Why not Tayva ^^

i can do a lot of long RP stories ^^ (Mizore :) )

YIM or Skype you choose ^^

My 6 stars storys : HERE and HERE


Image : Choubidoune spell / Change your gender by writing it

TayvaRP's picture

Sounds good! I'll add you :)


I certainly hear you. I've lost writing partners in the past because I'll put detail into events prior to the inflation scene(s) rather than going straight in. However, other than the preference for better quality writing and not being overtly sexual, I don't see much convergence between our respective interests. I am game to try and find more common ground, however.

TayvaRP's picture

Very true. I always prefer to focus on the quality of characters and story over just diving straight into inflation. As for common ground, I don't mind blueberrification if it doesn't involve colour change (that's the only part that really turns me off), though I wouldn't be able to do popping (though I dont mind getting close to it)


Ohmygosh i remember your youtube videos! I'll rp with you ^.^

TayvaRP's picture

Good to know I'm sorta remembered :P

Just be sure that you're able to follow what was mentioned, I really need people who are wordy with their posts ^^;


Ok ^^


I'd like to RP but with you but I don't know if I could keep up. How long do you consider an acceptable post to be?

TayvaRP's picture

Probably around 1-2 paragraphs, assuming each is about 5 sentences long. The reason being is that I've been getting a lot of contacts recently who barely put effort in, and I really don't find any fun in role playing with people like that. I often write in third person, focusing on character thought and action, along with environment (so sort of like reading a passage from a book), and I need someone who can do the same for it to be enjoyable for me.


Ok sounds good, I think I would be up for the challenge if you'd be willing to give me a shot. I'd like to try roleplaying with someone who likes to put a lot of detail into the overall story line like you said you do. I think it would add to the overall quality and realism to the RP. I've had many same problems you're experiencing, a lot of people don't seem to want to put any effort forward.

TayvaRP's picture

Sounds good! Feel free to send me a message through here, and we'll start figuring out details from there.


I am interested. Send me a message anytime.


I'd love to RP with you sometime. I enjoy devising all sorts of new ways and scenarios in which people are inflated, especially in a story sense. If you're willing to give me a shot I'll do my best not to disappoint.

TayvaRP's picture

Replied to both of you :)


ill rp with im semi vet on rp stories so should go well.


I'm game, I talk a lot and love doing descriptive RPs. I love air inflation, especially if balloons are involved. 

Auriga's picture

 I'm in. I'm a writer and so I like detailed plot and descriptions.