Over 18 yrs old....

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inflateme 100
Over 18 yrs old....

Hey guys make sure the people u talk to are over the age of 18. Should be no kids on this site... Thanks

BalloonInflator's picture

We certainly do our best, but we can't really prove anything one way or another. I for one rely on the site administrator, Luther, to make the ultimate call. If you suspect someone is underage, just message him with a link to your evidence, and he'll make a judgement call.


Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


and how do you suggest we make sure of that?

Phoenix-Left's picture


I've noticed that a trademark feature of a minor is fragmented or improper conventions of the language. Certainly, there are people who do not speak English as a first language, are not very flexible with a keyboard, or even people that simply cannot be bothered, so if you were to make a judgment of the sort on someone, definitely look beyond literacy. Nonetheless, it's helpful criteria. I've run into quite a few people on websites like deviantART who used such ill-conventions. When questioned, they turned out to be as young as thirteen... Yikes.


eljacko15's picture

I think you underestimate how borderline-illiterate a lot of adults can be.

Phoenix-Left's picture

I doubt most adults are actually incapable of using correct conventions of language. If they were, then accessing the Internet, and furthermore, communicating with people in real life, would be a great challenge... I take it that it's more likely that they just cannot be bothered to type properly.

Perhaps correct spelling, grammar and punctuation just isn't their primary focus when they're using the site. After all, it is dedicated to a sexual fetish, we don't necessary always come on here to type up essays, if you catch my drift. Maybe they're unfamiliar with using a keyboard?

I don't know. My point is that there are always plenty of variables at play, no matter what it is you're doing or considering. Without acknowledging such variables, you're left looking like the ass.


eljacko15's picture

Regardless of whether it's down to inattention or ineptitude, the point stands that language skills are not a reliable means by which to gauge someone's age on the internet.

inflateme 100

Thanks guys for your feedback on this

Fleetingsanity's picture

I get where they're coming from. I was young once upon a time and into inflation/expansion. It was a sigh of relief seeing and knowing there were others out there into this as well. A community to interact with so I didn't feel so weird and alone. I just wanted to be a part of that. I did however make it a point to try to talk to people my own age.

Unfortunately not all of them realize that they're posing an actual threat to people who are of age. For anyone younger it's a slap on the wrist and a stern talking to. For people of age and older it's a potential investigation. It's important to be upfront here.

This is an 18+ webpage so if you're on this site everyone here assumes you're of age. If you're not and you're trying to rp then you are putting your fellow members of this community at risk. Which is not fair to those people.

I know what it's like being under age and coming to terms with part of your developing sexuality. Just wanting someone else who shares what you love to have fun with you. We’ve all been there at one point or another. Those who are underage and are reading this (because I’m sure there are some) need to understand that you pose a danger to people of legal age.

I get that you just want to express yourself and have fun and there’s nothing wrong with that it’s healthy and what people need. At the same time you have to think about the big picture what you’re doing could very much hurt someone. So underage people need to keep that in mind. You really shouldn’t be on here if you’re not of age. I know it seems unfair but it’s all for the best in the long run. 

Falcon Pawnch!

inflateme 100

Im loving this hell yea

BalloonInflator's picture

Did you run into an underage user? It's probably best to report it.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


Yeh I know what you mean, I sometimes feel as though I put people off by interrogating them for their age every time I roleplay. Not like I force them to cough up the truth but I do question them for their age if I think they might be underage. It's breaching privacy but this is a sexual fetish, what we chat and roleplay about is itself questionable. That's why we face the risk and it's totally not fair on us. I rather roleplay or chat with those of my own age or a little older. I even feel wary around those who claim they're 18 since that'd be the most logical thing to say if they were really underage but that's not fair on those who're actually 18 and have had to wait to join a site like this one. It's because it's made us cautious.

It's the Internet though, people lie a lot and it's easy to lie about age too since most failsafes on age restriction are hardly effective. It's easy to lie about your age when setting up an email or there on the spot when you are asked, even if you don't say something like 18. I remember going on to porn sites when I was underage, all you had to click was enter or do you agree. We have reason to be sceptical since the consequences are so dire and it's something that's been troubling me mentally, I have serious trust issues online and it's hard to believe some people. It's not fair when you suddenly find out either and you're left angry but incredibly paranoid.

It's not fair and I'm afraid it's putting me off roleplaying or even chatting altogether since it's so easy to be tripped up in our digitalised world. I'll admit, I'm fairly young myself at 19 - 20 this year - but that'd still put a lot of people off since it's so close to the danger zone. It's important that we're highly cautious though because it's so easy for people to lie and the experience of paranoia caused by the Internet, not necessarily the risk of coming into contact accidentally with someone underage but overall such as even online threats, is not a very healthy thing on your state of mind.

BalloonInflator's picture

You're absolutely right. I may come off as paranoid, and sometimes a bit of a jerk, but I like this site. I don't want to see it taken down because some stupid kid lied about his age and the police confiscated his laptop. I also don't enjoy the prospect of jail, as I'm sure everyone else agrees.

That's why we "taddle" on you if you say you're not 18. Is it fair? No, but that's the way it is. If you haven't figured out by now that's the way the world works, I'm sorry but you're in for some major disappointment growing up in the real world.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


We have every reason to come off as strict, it's serious for both the site's security, their security and our own security.

BalloonInflator's picture

You'll get no argument from me there.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


Although I can't confirm this, I'd have a hard time believing that you could go to jail for RPing with a minor if you didn't know their true identity.

First off, you have absolutely no way of knowing the true age of anyone you meet on the internet without meeting them in person, even those people who share photos of themselves could easily be sharing photos they dragged off Facebook. Anyone you 'meet' on the internet could be absolutely anyone at all, and the police even use this to their advantage by pretending to be minors to set honey-traps for known paedophiles, so surely they're well aware that it can also work the other way.

Secondly, although this may be controversial, I'm not sure if role-playing in chat about a fetish is actually considered a sexual act; I mean you aren't grooming them (unless you are, in which case shame on you), but most RP partners have no intention of meeting up and usually both parties are equally anonymous to each other. You may not know if the person you're chatting with is a minor or not, but similarly they don't know whether you're one. Usually both parties have no intention of revealing their true identity, let along meeting up.

My fear isn't so much that I could actually go to jail... it's more that I could be outed if, say I RP with someone, they turn out to be a minor and their parents get the police involved. While I would hope that the police would see that I wasn't a paedophile, it may be too late to save my reputation, especially where a wierd fetish was involved, the local media may have gotten wind and we all know what happens to people who are suspected of paedophilia, even if they are totally cleared. People have been attacked by vigilates and forced to leave their career, their freinds and their family and go into hiding, and mob justice is scary, there was one incident in the UK where a paediatrician had her house attacked by a mob baying for blood.

This doesn't worry me so much these days... I'm pretty selective about who I actually RP with (for reasons other than fearing RPing with a minor) but it certainly did a bit in the past.

One thing I would say, which might be obvious, is that if someone's user-name ends with a number between 80 and 99 than that's usually their year of birth. If it ends with a number between 13 and 19 then it's probably their age at the time they created that account.

rosette.emyx's picture

I think the issue with roleplaying with someone under 18 isn't about sexual acts. I think it actually fits under sexual solicitation or it could be construed that way since you would be discussing a sexual fetish. You wouldn't have to groom the person, which is the problem. Further, only the adult is at fault because the adult supposedly should know better. I think when an adult discusses anything sexual with someone under 18, it could be construed as sexual solicitation. It's just safer for everyone if they know how old the person their talking to is. Nobody should be offended by it because the alternative is to be labeled a sexual predator, which nobody wants. It might make it easier if an rp starts with one person saying how old they are and asking how old the other person is. Like someone said already, the person could lie but you might have some argument in your favor if you at least thought you were talking to an adult. Hopefully everyone is truthful.

Ready2Pop's picture

I dont know about anyone else but in my country doing stuff like this the rping and stuff will get you in trouble with the comunity and the law and there is no real way to PROVE someone is over 18 on one of these sites.

"Ready as soon as you are."......*BOOOOOM*

My Skype ready.pop1 lets have fun ;)