Codename: The B.I.G. Project

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preshus301's picture
Codename: The B.I.G. Project

We're Trying to get this spread around as we need as many responses as possible to create a good set of statistics and data.Welcome to the research project of Belly Inflation Nation! In this survey we are going to ask you questions about your habits in inflation and stuffing. We will be using this information to compile a set of standard practices and use all the information to produce our next volume of the Belly Inflation Guide.

Belly Inflation Nation is committed to everyone's privacy whether you're a member of our site or not. As such this survey is completely anonymous, but you may include your name or B.I.N. username to be given recognition within the Belly Inflation Guide upon its production.

Click Here to take our new multiple question survey and when you're done feel free to spread the survey around the internet! We're Trying to get this survey spread around as we need as many responses as possible to create a good set of statistics and data.

Thank you, for taking the time to be involved with our communities!

Visit and Join Belly Inflation Nation! The newest social media and roleplaying website for Humans to furries, and roleplayers to the social butterfly!


I should just add that this survey is also only of relevance to real-life inflation fetishists.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

I've heard about this before, to be honest, I wasn't sure that it was going anywhere. Consider myself another member.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

airtankgirl5's picture

To what purpose?


preshus301's picture

We will be using this information to compile a set of standard practices and use all the information to produce our next volume of the Belly Inflation Guide.

Visit and Join Belly Inflation Nation! The newest social media and roleplaying website for Humans to furries, and roleplayers to the social butterfly!

airtankgirl5's picture

Yeah, I read that already.  That tells me is pretty much exactly zip.  I asked "why", you answered "what".


BalloonInflator's picture

To what purpose?

Looks like "what" to me.

To any means, the point of collecting information via this survey is so it can be used as the basis of statistics presented in an upcoming update to the Belly Inflation Guide. Honestly, it's pretty self-explanitory.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


Honestly, I used this site before you guys changed the format, but afterward, I was never able to log in or create another account because I never could get past the Catchpa or whatever process of signing up. Maybe take a look over your code or maybe its just me having the issue?


Honestly, I used this site before you guys changed the format, but afterward, I was never able to log in or create another account because I never could get past the Catchpa or whatever process of signing up. Maybe take a look over your code or maybe its just me having the issue?

preshus301's picture

"...I never could get past the Catchpa or whatever process of signing up."

That was a known issue with the captcha setup once Google had decided to switch it to the mouse movement detection. The problem has since been relieved.


Visit and Join Belly Inflation Nation! The newest social media and roleplaying website for Humans to furries, and roleplayers to the social butterfly!