Inflation distraction

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Inflation distraction

Much as I love inflation, and imagining myself and other woman being like balloons, it can be quite a distraction at times. What prompts this little ramble is an occurence the other day, when I was being all cultural and highbrow and watching the Cardiff Singer of the World competition on television. One of the heats of the contest featured a lovely Welsh soprano, who gave a wonderful performance...but I couldn't entirely concentrate on her beautiful singing because she was a very big young woman, and she looked like she'd squeezed herself into her pretty competition dress, and then pumped herself up until she was really bulging out of it. Her heaving bosom was a wonder to behold, and as she kept taking deep breaths I lost myself in imagining her suddenly going off bang like an overinflated balloon. It was a nice imagining, but it did mean that I actually missed quite of lot of her singing as my mind wandered. Maybe the judges had a similar problem, as, sadly, she didn't make it through to the final...but I think they might be a little bit more professional than me..and probably not inclined to imagine people as balloons!

Anyway, just wondered if anyone else here ever gets frustrated with themselves getting distracted in that way!

I have a similar problem if the singer Adele appears on tv, and, much as I enjoyed what I saw of Mad Men, when Christina Hendricks appeared in a scene as Joan, in one of those wonderfully form-fitting dresses, I would miss what was going on and go into a daydream about her having a mishap with a pin (or a mishap with a foot pump...and then a pin).
Gah, my silly old brain!

Oh, in case anyone is curious as to who I was referring to in the first paragraph, the singer is called Celine Forrest. You can watch a clip of her performance here (no idea if there are any problems with watching the clip if you are outside the UK, apologies if so!) :



I can relate to this. Pregnant women, pot bellies, jokes involving blowing up or popping, pneumatic sounds, even something as simple as a vacuum, and balloons being blown up. Whether on TV or in real life, I do get distracted and sometimes even a little embarrassed in case someone catches on.

The most recent awkward situation was when I was at an event in my city and there were these enormous balloons, funnily enough about the same size as a blueberry person. I kept thinking "Imagine if I blew up to that size" and started picturing it in my head. I stopped though because I didn't want anybody to catch on and my superstitious fear of actually blowing up in case my wishes were granted there and then. I know that's unlikely to happen but the obsession can get that bad sometimes when you think you're just about to inflate in front of everyone.

Faucets, hoses and pumps too if I'm thinking a particular way, as if they beckon me to them. A few times I've been tempted to lock my lips around a pipe or something sticking out of a wall but I've never done anything like that out in public. Well, not yet anyway but if I were to do something like that, I'd be sure I'm alone. Random words too: pregnancy, belly, balloon, inflate, inflation, pump, pump up, blow up, burst, whatever. It really does takeover your life sometimes.


Yeah, it is a worry if you start to feel people are catching on! Well, I have a few friends who know about my little ways, so that's cool, but generally speaking I like to keep it under wraps. I can imagine thinking like you if I saw those "blueberry person" sized balloons, they sound cool..even if the situation was awkward!


You're lucky, no one knows I like belly inflation and I'm not sure what their reactions would be like if they found out, friends or family. I was mesmerised by those big balloons and it wasn't even the size alone that was tickling my fancy, they were constantly bobbing up and down, side-to-side and bumping into each other. I just kept picturing two blueberry people belly bumping and I wanted a part in that! I wanted to blow up there and then and match their size but I'd be embarrassed in front of all those people. It was even more difficult when closer to them, I couldn't resist the overshadowing orbs above me! I was tingling all over.


Yep, I can relate to this. It's no too bad when it's something you can anticipate but it's the random inflation references that just pop up in the most unexpected places that are the killer.

Pneumaticchick, I love your description of that clip. I'm going to have to watch it when I get home tonight.


Thank you, I hope you enjoyed watching the clip, and that it lived up to my description!


Watched it last night and I can certainly see why it gave you those thoughts.

*Goes to lay down in a darkened room.*


Ah yes, lovely Celine Forrest. She's quite famous outside UK as well.

Almost all opera singers are bigger people, and if you come closer to the performers you can enjoy that view quite often.

Bel canto builds a column of sound between the diaphragm and the throat - but it is the bulk around it (call it fat ^_^ ) that resonates with it and makes it heard so loud and so far away. Besides, abundance of body mass gives opera singers the endurance to sing in opera for hours straight - bel canto is very energy consuming as compared to jazz, pop or rock singing.

There's a time and mood for everything, and I don't see anything wrong if one day you come to a theatre not for performance, but to just meet an old friend, imagine your favourite private fantasies or simply relax. Each day is different - that's what makes them fun ^_^


Oh cool, glad she is well known, as she is indeed most lovely and talented (I hope she wouldn't be too offended by me imagining her as a balloon...I expect the chances of her reading this are pretty remote anyway!). Yes indeed, opera singers do tend to be bigger..."..'til the fat lady sings", and all that, but Celine really did make a big impact on me. It is interesting reading about voice production, and operatic singing techniques. I've been watching a series recently going through the main operatic voices..they even had someone singing in an MRI scanner, so you could see what was going on inside! Bel canto also reminds me of that comment about a singer who wasn't quite up to it..something along the lines of "not so much bel canto as can belto!". I have the build to be a good opera singer I think, but sadly not the voice :D Thanks, very interesting comments!


Thank you for sending me reading! Amalie Materna as Valkyrie Brunhilde does look inflated.

Speaking of distractions, I just found this one:

Poor lad is so deep in his thoughts that he misses the pop and gets confused what's that tatter on his thumb? You definitely don't want to get that distracted or you won't notice that you already popped.


Can definitely relate, it's really awkward when trying to concentrate on work and then inflation is all you can think about


Oh lord, yes! I've been getting really distracted at work recently..I find I start doing inflation doodles, and then have to make sure I haven't left them around..mind you, some of them have been developed into proper pictures since, so it's not all bad, and I haven't been caught out...yet :D


And for some that's part of the fun ;) I got really bored at work and ended up outlining an inflation story I've been trying to write for quite some time, it might work this time hopefully. When I get as badly distracted as I have been with it I get to the point where all I want is the nearest gal is to start telling me what she thinks about how she'd react if she were blowing up, and of course since I don't want to the freaky guy at the office and get sacked I have to try really hard to find other conversation of it when I get home. 


I've just thought of something else! It's Wimbledon fortnight at the moment, so I'm watching tennis pretty much the whole time I'm not at work, and the commentators do like to talk about players being "pumped up". That always sends me on a daydream, I can miss quite a few points that way! I'm thinking of doing a "pumped up" tennis picture (probably of Serena Williams and..hmmm, not sure which other player yet...maybe Agnieszka Radwanska)...I think I'll make the lady umpire pumped up as well, squeezed into her high chair :D
Knowing me, I expect I'll make one of the players so "pumped up" that they pop like a balloon.

inflatingclothes's picture

I can relate it happened when my family and I were playing Harry Potter Scene it game.  When it was my turn to watch a clip from one of the movies the game chose Aunt Marge inflating.  I felt awkward seeing it in front of everyone.

No one said anything but still felt awarkward.

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I had something happen to me just a couple days ago!

I was hanging out with some friends while drinking and goofing around. My one friend is an attractive blonde girl (obviously not using names here) who made a funny face and patted her chest. I asked what was wrong and she said, "I just had the weirdest burp... It's like I'm full of air or something."

Thankfully I can keep my cool and just laughed a bit. She settled back into her seat and said, "If I'm not careful I'll probably explode."

I gave another chuckle and sipped from my own beer... thankfully I didn't need to stand up for a while or else things would've been a little awkward.


This happens to me all the time! Especially when my girlfriend is finished eating and leans back on the couch or something. I imagine her rubbing her belly until BANG. I've already completely missed what she said because of it. Or anything pertaining to inflation. I work in a factory and we use air and water hoses to clean machines, and I can't help but always think of there being an "accident" involving me or the one girl who works in the office. Its like you can't escape the thoughts sometimes... x3

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Auriga's picture

 Sometimes, when I see a fat chick, I wonder where's her inflation valve. Though, these thoughts are not too bothersome.


I was hanging out with friends a month or so ago, and a few of them had found a strett vendor selling balloons. They came back with 36" balloons, and I got immediately nervous. My friends seemed to be having fun and as we walked by the street vendor...well she was very big. I saw the giant balloons she had and the size of her, I couldn't think of anything else all day. I was tempted to start a conversation along the lines of "girls, with your balloons you're almost the size if that balloon woman back there" but it seemed too forced so I let it go. Seriously, such a distraction!!


Had a slightly distracted morning at work, as when I was going through one of my desk drawers I came upon a copy of the Guardian Weekend magazine from 2008 (yeah, I don't tidy my desk much!). I was wondering why I kept it, and on flicking through I came across an interview with Nigella Lawson, which contained this quote: "I only have to be a little anxious and I overeat. It's like someone's taken a bicycle pump to me and I inflate"! So that's why I kept it! I've always been taken with the idea of inflating her anyway, so that really sent me into daydreaming :D

There was an interview with Kerry Katona I read once that had a similar effect, where she was talking about she sometimes wished her boobs weren't so big, and the interviewer described how Kerry "playfully pretended to pop them with pins" (or alliterative words very much to that effect) as she was discussing this. I had to go and have a little lie down after that image hit me out of the blue!

That's now reminded me of an occasion, which I think I've mentioned on the forum before, when I was at college. I was larking around with a friend of mine, throwing paper darts to each other...yes, we were very mature 17 year old girls! I had quite a crush on my friend (indeed I still draw a balloongirl based on her, called Stella), though she was very into boys, quite voraciously in fact, so I had no chance there alas. Anyway, despite being quite petite generally, she was blessed with the most wonderfully pneumatic bosom, and one of the paper darts I launched struck her (quite unintentionally, I assure you) in her left breast. Her reaction was to hold her boob, make a "psshhhhhh" sound, and pretend it was deflating! It was a brief little joke to her, and we giggled and carried on playing around, but I spent the rest of the day reflecting on that moment..hell, I still often think of it now (like, right this minute, hence me writing this!).

I've ended up doing quick sketches of my balloongirl vampire character Titula while I've been at work today now, thanks to my head getting all caught up in inflatable girl daydreaming! That is NOT what I was meant to be doing!

Balloonedlurker (not verified)

Yea, I totally agree, when people make off-handed comments about inflation or being ballooned in some way, it's usually followed by a daydream from me too! Especially when someone eats too much and says they may need to be rolled out of here :D

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

For me I've always found that certain words are a trigger that causes me to instantly focus on the source of that word. Some triggers have been words like inflation or talking about blowing up, makes sense because it is my fetish. It's not restricted to fetishes though, for me, one of my favourite Television shows as a kid was called Silverwing, and the show didn't have a very large fanbase. Seeing as though I was such a large fan whenever someone would mention it, SNAP, instantly homing in on the source, even for just a second or so. I don't usually get distracted past that unless I can contribue to that conversation somehow, and if I can't I'll resume day to day operations.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Distraction? You bet ^_^

My idea for the Ladies Day was tying helium balloons to the presents and flowers we prepared for our girls. The idea won, and since it was my idea, I had to carry those 52 lovely balloons from the shop to the office to tie them to the tables of ladies in the office. We even considered purchasing a helium tank first, but decided it's too much a present for even all our ladies together, and went forward with already inflated ones. Despite one of them popped, the girls were happy. Luckily she just took vacation, and we'll see her in the office soon. For a whole week now the office is full of beautiful balloons floating near the ceiling.

But I noticed that some of them gradually deflate, so when I get the chance I keep asking more uplifting girls how they manage to stay inflated for so long? Getting all kinds of responces, ranging from "huh?" to "because I'm full of helium" and "I'm the boss, I need to be big and bouncy".

Fun! ^_^


Great! I enjoyed reading that. And the writing had the right lenght(I tend to leave text that is too long)


Great seeing you here, even just one line. Missing your posts ^_^


Slighty old topic, but yeah, I can totally agree. Mostly when I see women that look more like they're swollen up than simply being obese, if that makes sense. Far too often imagining them accidentally revealing one of their valves, or noticing one of them trying to pump themselves up even more without anyone noticing. And of course the while bursting/popping thing as well ;) Reminds me, really need to get back to finishing the story I'm trying to write :P

Phraxus's picture

I can relate.  This kind of thing happens to me all the time, though I've learned how to deal with it over the years.  It's just an unfortunate side-effect of our little kink.  It's easy for your mind to wander into less-than-wholesome territory when confronted with things that - as the saying goes - hit you "right in the fetishes". XD

The upside to all this is that such encounters can provide great inspiration for stories or artwork.  It never fails to amaze me the lines of thought my mind can jump onto when something totally mundane happens to trigger my 'kink-sense'. XD

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


Snapchat added a new filter to the face recognition software that I'm sure many of us would enjoy. You open your mouth and a bike pump gets inserted into your mouth and inflates your head, making your face redder with each pump. Head deflates after the third pump back down to a deflated head.

Found this out while lazily looking through my friends' stories. Really pretty girl I know decided to add it to her story for fun. I definitely appreciated it!


I didn't know Snapchat, but thanks for the info. Sounds really good :-)


Minor Necroing of the thread but this was very much me yesterday.

I was round at a friends just talking with my group for that day. One of my friend's has a wife who is very heavily pregnant and I hadn't seen her for a while. She was massive her breasts easily half again as big as they were when I saw her last and she looked liked she had swallowed a big beachball. And at one point after I had spoken with her I went back to my group. She came around to collect her husband and drag him home and she stood right by me just stroking and massaging this big belly of hers.

I had to tell my brain so much to jsut shut up and read, read read... didn't work as she just looked like a balloon but wow. She was quite close to my ideal size on an inflated woman.


meet her in another few months - she'll be her original hourglass but with boobs yet again half as big as you've seen yesterday ^_^


In the latter half when we were already through over-sensitivity, huge boobs and swelling all over - finally a tummy appeared and grew to huge size. It was so soft - as if Maria was filled with air! I knew that there are three litres of water inside her and not much else yet, so I was basically squeazing a water balloon. And it really felt this way! At first I was afraid to pop her, but she reached so deep inside with her own finger I thought she'll surely pop herself right there! That, or her finger will appear from the back! But no, she said it feels all right. After that I was poking her all the time ^_^

Those three litres of water are renewed every few hours - so Maria had to drink a lot. So many times I've seen my swollen beauty gulping greedily just from the tap or from yet another water bottle, huge boobs laying on a round belly and moving up and down but mostly up as she straightened up ^_^ How could I pass her?

Then the child grew in that comfortable swimming pool, and Maria became increasingly tighter and tigher as if pressure increased, and in the last month she was so tight! When I poked her, she had exactly that tiny amount of give a balloon has at its limits!

I know it depends where placenta is attached, in our case - right on the front. The child didn't hear/see us, we didn't see her. Nothing disturbed ideally spherical surface till the big bang, I could poke it, hug it - nothing, just a huge tight balloon at its limits.

She was so beautiful as a balloon that I couldn't help popping her - and then went the best part. I thought her boobs here huge. Ha! They became even bigger when that tummy disappeared! One morning I wake up at 3 am (do that a lot) and see them covering like half of the view!

Oh man, that's one big distraction ^_^

Inflate123's picture

It's a constant challenge to not react when I see something like this which is totally innocent to everybody else, but undeniably different in interpretation to me. :)


firnov's picture

Well this weekend.

I had a party with some friends. And we had to wear a costume. And we had to dress up like the movie "New Kids: Turbo"

The only female main character in this movie i heavy pregnant. So all girls put big balloons under the shirt, so the look pregnant for the party. But it looked more like all girls at the party are inflated

And boom goes the inflatee