Anyone Have Tips for Trashbag Inflation?

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Anyone Have Tips for Trashbag Inflation?

I've been doing that for a while now and I'm looking for some new input...

What makes it more enjoyable, realistic, easy, etc?

biff977's picture

not so much a recommendation for the enjoyable/realism factor but as for a tip...

If you aren't already doing this, I find to secure the trash bag for inflation, cut a somewhat durable rubber band and use that as a string (pulled taut) around the trash bag over the air hose. Keeps it firmly in place and doesn't let air escape while you're inflating. Like I said, an easy one that probably everyone does, but it took me a couple of experiments early on to more effectively figure out how to tie off a trash bag to inflate.


I had been using zipties but I will try that, thanks!