Is this a problem? Referring to women-

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alorok's picture
Is this a problem? Referring to women-

I'm not sure if this is a problem for the community, or just a personal pet peeve.

One reason I don't come here that often to talk or share is a bit of... the atmosphere... of the forums. I can understand the fascination, given the majority of works in this community are about women being inflated, but just some of the terms used.

Topics asking "Females" or "Girls" to roleplay, or for opinions on inflation seem really- objectifying.


As I said before, women are very much the stars of most inflation artwork and stories. Which is perfectly fine, but I guess some of the attitude I see on this site particular seems to divorce women from the fetish itself. Making us seem, separate, or as things, that it's even more unusual or special to share the fetish. 

I guess I've been hanging out with other pervy women in other fetish communities, so this one just seems more- unwelcoming because of the seeming demand for "female" thoughts and roleplayers. Now, by no way do I feel that it's's fault or everyone here talks that way, but a way a community talks could alienate or even drive away potential members of the community. And, it might not even be a problem, just a personal petpeeve.

Enjoy inflation your way~~~

Blue_Eyes's picture

It is like that with most fetish communities really. I don't want to say all but I would feel safe assuming that most are male dominated.

I learned very early and very quick that being female in a community like this, you need to be VERY particular is who you communicate with to avoid situations like the ones you listed. (Or worse)

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Like Blue_Eyes said, this is a pretty male dominated site, and since on top of that it's fetish based, it doesn't surprise me. I don't roleplay or like to use this site sexually because I feel the same way (but to be clear here, I don't judge others who do). 

A part of it I find though is that because there isn't as much a demand for male inflation content (ironic to post that because I think this thread is about objectification), it feels more objectifying towards women in that aspect. I'd feel it'd be more welcome if more male content was posted, but like I said before, this proabbly is a male-majority community.

I don't imply for this to sound rude, but your probably just going to have to get used to this fact. I hope that the community has more male posted content so that females don't feel as objectified, but that's just how sexual chemistry works for people in general. A site like this is for living and sharing fantasies.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


As a man, I unlike other people it seems,  hate the term "female" to describe a woman. It makes the person sound like they are a sixteen year old nerdy biology student who's never even talked to a woman before. Randy from family guy is the perfect example.

I think that women are unfortunately objectified in almost anything that involves sex. The man and sometimes women go online to look at porn videos, fetish content or pictures of whatever they like with the sole intent of "getting off" they don't or will not make the connection that the woman in that porn they watch or who they talk to/RP with is actually a person who has a life and is more than an object to get off to.

It would be great if women could be looked at as equals in the expansion fetish world or when it comes to porn stuff for that matter. I'm sorry to say it's really hit and miss, some people really understand they need to be respectful where's other people don't care about the womans feeling and feel like their sole purpose is to help them get off.

Then you have the really freaky people who get these weird obsessions with the women and start stalking them on the internet and think that because they may of been nice to them once or fulfilled the guys fantasy for money they are "in love" with the guy and the guy thinks if he meets them in person everything will be great. It's happened to countless women on youtube who start to delve into varies fetishes on the internet then get scared off by some weird dude.

I wish that everyone could get along and make conversation as adults without wanting anything more than conversation. If it turns into "more" such as RPing or sharing of sexual thoughts that's great but you need to realize everyone is a human being and not here for the sole purpose of getting you off.


Gentlemen, excuse me, "referring to women".


Alorok, my apologies for being the third guy in this thread, if you like please ask ladies again - we won't interfere.

alorok's picture

The "referring to women" in the title is actually meant to sum up the topic-

How women are referred to in the titles of Forum Topics sparked this post. So all opinions matter.


All right then ^_^


Indeed I witnessed objectivisation and even harrassment here a few times. Any forum on any topic is prone to that. In the most obscene cases such threads either get promptly closed, or just disappear. Long story short - in my opinion Luther does the best job he can, that's why this site is still here, celebrating the start of it's third decade.


It's up to us all, what do we make it.


I always, and without pity, correct those who refer to women as "females."

I am a woman, not an adjective.

tigerbostonlake's picture

Female humans are more valuable than male humans; what else is new?

Objects don't have genders; I fail to see how preferring female attention to male attention is "objectification."


Do you even know what objectification actually means, or are you just trying to sound smart?

tigerbostonlake's picture

I'm saying that screening people for a nearly-binary identity trait you find appealing shouldn't count as objectification; that's too broad. And since gender is a part of identity while objectification is about removing identity, how can identifying gender be objectification? That's why I mentioned that objects don't have gender. 

Some people just flat out don't want to flirt with people of genders they don't find attractive. That usually includes RP. 

Some people have a pet peeve against using "male" or "female" as nouns when referring to humans. I have a pet peeve against that pet peeve. Humans are animals. 


Walk up to some people on the street and start calling them male and female. "Hello female how are you today? That female over there is a friend of mine." The term female like I said before makes you sound like a nerd whos never come in contact with a woman before. Or it makes you sound like a robot. 

  1. express (something abstract) in a concrete form. 2. degrade to the status of a mere object
Refering to someone as female is categorizing them into the lowest possible level you could put them in. All you are acknowledging is their sexual differences and nothing more. Doing this is objectifying the woman. You're saying shes a female. That's it, your taking away any human quality of the person and condesing it down into just a sexual characteristic.


tigerbostonlake's picture

I don't get to know everyone I meet; I don't owe them that. Some people just get categorized and then forgotten. That's life.

And I am a nerd, but not enough of a nerd to use that exchange you wrote in real life. My female friend probably has a name that I know and care to remember. Gender doesn't matter to me when I'm asking about someone's day. If it came to a relationship (or RP), it might come up.

"Female" isn't the lowest level. I could say "that," "thing," "them" or "it." And "female" in reference to a person implies "female human" at least. I just think we're attaching some unwarranted, negative connotations to this particular word.

AshyPie's picture

All of these points are very valid. But I find fetishes and this one in particular to be quite the contrary to objectifieing. Fetishes are in essence sexual preferences. And gender comes very much into play in that aspect. Think of male oriented inflation and female oriented inflation as two different fetishes and the problem is resolved. Everyone is unique and has unique preferences. Some are more common than others but we use the term "inflation fetish" to lump them all together. All we have to do is accept that female oriented inflation is more common then male oriented inflation.

I'm a pretty kitty~

airtankgirl5's picture

Oh no, there is PLENTY of objectification in this fetish.  For many out there it's the defining quality.  I don't mind it, up to a certain point, from certain people.  But that's why I am very selective with whom I choose to interact with concerning inflation.

It's also why my online alter ego is empowered rather than an object.  Because that's what I wanted.

alorok's picture

These are all valid points- and I hope no one was offended by me bringing up a potentially poltical argument topic.

From what I see- there is acknowledgement that some of the way a few members of the community treat women as being negative, that it's a bad first impression. And also, that there are enough of these few people- it's better just to avoid them and accept that they exist. All in all, not let them ruin the community or fetish for you. Which seems sensible to me.

And of course, a community is a community- everyone who's a part of it makes it what it is. I know I can just be amazed how long this site's been around, and with all the little hiccups that come with being dominantly a sexual community. Thanks for the opinions on it, and enjoy inflating!

darth_clone19's picture

Ive noticed that such vocabulary is usually used by people who only come here to make threads like that and when nobody gives them any attention they just go away.

 -   Read my stories: 


It's been such a long time since i've been active now, but this tread actually  caught my attention.

To be fair, if I want to roleplay with anyone, I want to ask if they're a female or a male. Simply because I am atracted to females. Not knowing how America works, but here in Norway it's common to ask if they are female or male, if you meet them online. 

And I think it's silly to assume that "you're some kind of nerd" if you call Somone a female. It's simply because that's what you're looking for. If I meet someone i want to know better on the street. I would walk up to that girl/woman, and tell her I like her smile or whatever and ask her about her name. Online, you want to protect yourself, so it doesn't work like that.

But what so I know about this community, it's been so long.