How does he do it?! Possibly the most intriguing, bizarre, and skilled inflationist I've ever seen.

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How does he do it?! Possibly the most intriguing, bizarre, and skilled inflationist I've ever seen.

In my years of surfing the web for inflation videos, only one person has truly stood out as exceptional to me. A (presumably... Russian I believe?) man that goes by the name of Wertymen. He does some male inflation art online, but that isn't why I'm talking about him of course. His YouTube channel Wertymen99 only contains 4 videos, but they are by far the largest inflations I have ever seen. I have no clue how he achieves this.


When I stumbled across this channel around a year ago, Ispent a good hour theorizing how he could do this, but eventually forgot about it. However, just today I remembered. It bugged me to no end and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I'm incredibly curious how this is humanly possible. So much so that I made an account here just to start an investigation into how he does this.

The first big clue I found was a comment on the second video from the man himself in his unfortunately broken English. 

"Its not real gadget (pump air) inflation. Push Out strong and deep breath (self natural inflation). I feel as strongly skin on a stomach stretches, the navel comes to out."

This could either mean two things: forcing air into the stomach (I have done this type of inflation) or something completely different. Whatever it is it involves breathing.

The second interesting observation is that this is all inflation. You can see in the beginning of the first and second videos that he is actually a very normal looking man with an average looking gut.

I am absolutely sure this is not CGI or fake in any way. Unless he's some special effects wizard, he couldn't fake this. His artwork can easily be distinguished from real inflation anyway. Even at humanly possible sizes the stomachs he draws do not look hyper realistic.

His mouth is also visible in his latest video. He appears to be either swallowing air, inhaling, or both.

A good place to look next would be translating all the Cyrillic in the channel, titles, and comments. That could shed some light on the situation.


Well that's all I have for now. If you found this interesting even a bit of Google searching would help if you feel like it. Thanks.


ah yes, Sergey. We didn't chat for a while but he's a good man, it's nice to hear news about him!

It's real - once he showed it live via YIM. Actually twice - polite objections didn't get through ^_^

Tyler's thorough F.A.Q. lists among other things pushing air from lungs into stomach leading to stomach distension. That's Sergey's method. He used to entertain friends by this trick since early school years. Also, I don't think it's a fetish for him - but that's private.

We met on Inflatality Yahoo group, he's a nice chap to talk to. Back then he was playing on clarinet in the orchestra, and his lovely wife was a teacher. By now his boy probably graduated...

Sergey's on DA, and has account on this site. When we last talked, his English was much better - I hope he reads your praise some day ^_^


Ah, thanks for telling me. I have used that method of forcing air from the lungs into the stomach, just too a much lesser extent. I'm guessing he just has a naturally large stomach and lung capacity.