How Would I Inflate You #5: Revenge of the Inflation

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How Would I Inflate You #5: Revenge of the Inflation

It's been too long since we've had one of these and I think it's high time someone changed that! And that someone is me, along with whatever valiant writers are willing to commit their skills to this noble cause. Come one, come all, the How Would I Inflate You is in town and it's not to be missed! Be as specific or as general as you wish in communicating your desires to our talented panel of expert inflationists and they will not hesitate to fulfill you in more ways than one!


Male 31 yo Irish with a beard and very pale skin!


Would love some inflation that involved sexual tension and teasing, pressure play, lots and lots of crotch inflation, starts off non con then I get into it but straight back to non con as the inflator goes WAY to far haha.


Methods: Air, gas, decompression (my fave!)


Thanks dudes



"Connection secured," you mutter, feeling around the edge of the port where your breathing tube locks into the side of the spaceship. The accordion-style vacuum tube, which runs from the ship into your sleek, almost skin-tight spacesuit, is all that stands between you and the airless void of infinite space. You whistle cheerfully as you kick off of the hull, swinging around to the broken communications antenna on the top side. I'm already crouching there, holding a soldering iron to the damaged equipment.

"How's it coming?" you ask, crouching next to me, your magnetic bootsoles locking to the hull.

"Don't talk," I snap, not looking away from the antenna. "I need to concentrate."

You stare at me and I stare at the antenna. Seconds pass like hours. All that can be heard is our breathing over the radios. After a few minutes of this, you can take no more and speak up.

"Are you almost--"

"What did I say, Waylander!?" I rapidly swivel around. Unfortunately, in my haste, I accidentally put the soldering iron to the belly of your suit for a fraction of a second, quickly burning a hole through it. I jerk the iron away the moment I realize what I've done, and luckily you yourself remain unscatched, but the same cannot be said for your suit. The tiny breach is enough to expose the inside of your suit to the vacuum of space, and the effects are immediate. Your suit inflates like a balloon as the air within expands rapidly, adjusting to the sudden absence of atmospheric pressure.

"IP!" you shriek, flailing your arms as the air in the suit's limbs expands. One of your boots comes unstuck from the hull.

I recoil, taking a step back. "Shit, Waylander, that suit's not gonna make it!"

As you struggle to get your boot reattached to the hull, I turn away and frantically root through my toolkit. When I turn back, I'm holding one of the emergency oxygen masks. You breath a sigh of relief as you see it. Your problem is far from solved, but at least you won't start suffocating to death the moment that your suit explodes.

As if on cue, your suit lets out a long, painful creek and explodes off of you with an almighty ripping sound. Several things happen at once. First, your suit tears into three barely connected pieces, leaving you naked. Second, you start floating out of the wreckage of your suit and away from the ship. Third, all of the oxygen is sucked out of your bubble-like glass helmet, leaving you no air to breath.

I grab you by the leg to keep you from floating away while you disconnect your helmet from the oxygen tube and fling it off. I reel you in and hand you the oxygen mask, which you affix to your face. It covers your mouth and nose, and you plug the oxygen tube into the front of the mask so that you now have a more or less indefinite supply of air.

Unfortunately, oxygen is the least of your worries. The same decompression that destroyed your suit is already starting to affect you. I hand you a pair of earplugs, which you swiftly insert. With your ears blocked by the plugs and your mouth and nose covered by the airtight seal of the breathing mask, your body is relatively closed and the decompression is slowed to almost nothing. With any luck, this will buy us enough time to get you into the ship.

The airlock is on the other side of the hull, and your condition we won't be able to swing there using the oxygen lines. We'll have to walk it. Without your magnetic boots, you're incapable of walking along the surface of the ship, and without your suit normalizing your temperature you're exposed to the dangerously high radiation levels of the nearby star. Consequently, it's necessary for me to wrap my arms around you and hold you against my suit as I walk step by agonizingly slow step around the outside of the hull.

The contact is somewhat embarassing, and I clearly think the same judging by my expression and conspicuous avoidance of your gaze, but it's hardly the most embarassing thing about the situation, and scenarios like this were covered in training, so it's not exactly something you've never had to do before. More embarassing is what happens next.

With each step I take, my inner thigh rubs against your exposed cock, and it's not long before you feel yourself beginning to harden against my leg. You squeeze your eyes shut and pray that I don't notice, but my gait shifts slightly and when you open your eyes again you can see me pursing my lips and pointedly looking everywhere but down at your crotch. You hope we get to the airlock soon.

You can feel the tightness in your cock getting worse and worse. You shake your head and wait for all of this to be over. You feel my arms beginning to retract from around you, and for a horrible moment you think that perhaps I've decided to release you into space, but looking down reveals an even worse development. Your erection seems to be opening your urethra to the vacuum slightly, and now your cock is rapidly decompressing, getting so thick and bloated so quickly that it actually pushes you away from me. We both cry out in surprise as I lose my hold on you, just managing to catch your hand before you careen away into the void.

"Oh shit!" you try to say, but your voice is muffled by the breathing mask, and even if it wasn't, I wouldn't be able to hear you through the airless space between us. The feeling of decompressing is not making your cock get any softer, and now the rest of you is starting to get in on the act. Your hips, thighs, balls, and butt start to tighten as the air within them expands to match the unmatchable pressure of the vacuum. Your belly joins in, then your upper arms. Soon your whole torso is rounding out, while your limbs get cone-shaped. Your hand almost slips from mine when your fingers puff up. Tears start to form in your eyes as your cheeks bloat out. You have to shake your head to dislodge them from your eyelashes.

With great effort I manage to pull you in by your rapidly disappearing arm, maneuvering your body against the hull until your almost completely round body is sitting up with your butt flat against the outside of the ship. Then, I step between your hugely swollen member, which on its own is nearly as large as the rest of you is, and my boots lock to the hull, my legs acting as a harness, securing you to the ship by the base of your cock. I'm positioned with my back to your body, facing your cock.

By now, there's no way you could fit into the airlock. You know it, and I know it. It would take a miracle to save you, and you wonder what I intend to do, hoping that it's not just letting you explode. You get an answer, of sorts, when you feel a curious sensation on your overstretched cock. Being so tightly fillled distorts your perception of sensation, so it takes you a moment to realize that I'm rubbing my gloved hands up and down your shaft. A shiver runs through your globular body, the friction and heat of my suited body against your overblown manhood is enough to make you forgot about your predicament.

For a moment, you find yourself relishing the feeling of the air in your body expanding, its progress slowing as I squeeze your member with both arms. You want to get bigger and bigger, just to feel your body getting tighter, the bizarre but pleasurable feeling of soft, warm space-age polymer against your tingling, stretched skin. You entertain thoughts of what it would be like to get as big as the ship, as big as the earth, as big as the stars.

A new sensation in your cock snaps you out of your fantasy. It's not unlike the tightness you already feel in every inch of your taut skin, but far sharper, more acute. I'm squeezing your pumped-up shaft as hard as I can, deforming it as the expanded air is forced out into the rest of your cock from between my arms. As the area I'm squeezing compresses, the air inside it tries to re-expand, only to be forced out again, multiplying the expanding air in your cock even more. You try to scream through your mask. You scream for me to stop, scream that you don't want to explode, that you're afraid, that it's so, so tight. But it's no use. Even if your mask didn't make you impossible to understand, the sound just can't reach me. You close your eyes and you can feel, if not hear, your body creaking its last and then--

Nothing. No sound. One moment you're there, then you're not, and I'm standing alone on the hull of the ship, ragged scraps of you drifting through the air around me. I sigh and sag, sinking to my knees, exhausted. After a few moments, I reach up, key my radio, and speak.

"We had a breach."

(This one took me a really long time to write, being as it was pretty long and complicated. If I wasn't malicious enough let me know and I can write you another one after I've gotten around to doing the others.)


{Are you crazy!?! That was AMAZING! Im not saying I wouldnt like to read more stories like this tho haha. One of the best decompression stories Ive ever read. Really really great job dude thanks :)   }

bigpappa110's picture

Male 6ft  20 blonde hair green eyes slinder

Would love to be inflated by 3-4 women and played with and teased very high erousal as I grow bigger no poping and would love to have a blueberry inflation thanks



You lean back in your seat and look down at your phone, re-reading the texts from the woman you met on Tinder. She said she'd meet you here at this club, at 7:30pm. It's 7:27 now, and you're sitting alone in a booth just off the dance floor. You look around the dark, crowded room, trying to pick out her face in the sea of sitting, standing, and dances clubgoers.

"Hey there," a voice right next to your table surprises you. You look up, and there she is, a tall, elegant woman in her early twenties, with long, flowing black hair. She's wearing a red body-con dress that hugs her generous curves tightly, and you have to remind yourself not to stare. She takes a seat in the booth across from you.

"I'm Sasha," she says, sticking out her hand. "What's your name?"

"Pappa," you reply, shaking it gingerly. She's even more gorgeous than in her picture, and you actually feel a bit intimidated. You try not to let her see that you're nervous.

She looks you up and down critically, and sniffs. "You could use some gum," he says. "For your breath."

You raise an eyebrow at her, feeling a little insulted. You brushed your teeth vigorously before coming here, and you doubt she can even smell your breath from there. Still, you're eager to make a good impression, so when she pulls a stick of gum out of her purse and offers it to you, you accept it and pop it into your mouth.

"So, uh, you live around here?" you ask, chewing away, as Sasha looks distractedly off to the side.

"Huh? Oh, yeah," she mutters noncommitally.

This gum is actually really good. It tastes like blueberries, which ordinarily you're not a huge fan of, but it's so sweet, and each bite is just as flavorful as the last. It seems like it's actually making your mouth water, because every time you swallow you feel like you're actually downing a gulp of thick blueberry juice.

"Wow, this gum is great! Where'd you get it?"

You look at Sasha, who still doesn't seem to be paying attention to you.

"Hey? What's wrong?"

Sasha turns to face you.

"Oh, sorry," she says. "Look, Pappa, you're pretty cute and you seem like a sweet guy, but I don't go out with blueberries."

"What?" you frown, confused.

Sasha reaches into her purse and pulls out a small handheld makeup mirror. She opens it up, and then turns it to you with a smirk. When you see your reflection, you almost scream. Your nose, your mouth, your whole face is dark blue. Even your green eyes have changed color. You feel panic beginning to rise in your stomach. You look down at your hands. They're blue. You pull up the cuff of your pants leg, and your ankles are blue. You raise your shirt. Your belly is blue. You hear a high, cruel laugh and look up at Sasha, horrified and bewildered.

"It's a shame really," Sasha says, "but in a few minutes you'll be nothing but a big fat blueberry, and I can't very well go around telling everyone I've got a blueberry for a boyfriend, can I?"

"A blueberry!?" you cry.

As if on cue, you hear your stomach gurgle and feel a strange kind of pressure. You look down and gasp as you see that your belly, which had been flat and trim just moments before, now looks like it belongs to a woman in the late stages of pregnancy. You stagger out of the booth as your shirt rides up, exposing your round belly for all to see. At the same time, you can feel your jeans getting tighter all over as your thighs, ass, and crotch begin to fill them. Sasha stands up and steps out of the booth, facing you.

"You do make a nice blueberry though, I must say," she nods appraisingly.

You back away from her, but she advances on you and puts her hands around your belly. It swells into them, her fingers sinking into the soft, juicy flesh. You whine plaintively, but when she touches you, you can feel your cock stirring, pressing against the front of your pants.

"You're going to get so big and juicy, Pappa," Sasha whispers in your ear, her voice low and husky.

My god, you think to yourself, she's getting off on this! She's crazy! But you can't deny that the juice pumping into you feels good in a strange sort of way, especially when Sasha touches you. You don't resist as she leans in even closer. You feel so incredibly full already. Your shirt his ridden all the way up to your chest, fully exposing your belly, and your pants are straining, many of the seams already ripping apart. Sasha leans forward and you take a couple of steps back. She's edging you towards the dance floor, you realize.

People in the club are starting to take notice of your predicament. The music stops and the dancers make space for you as Sasha walks you to the center of the dance floor. She gives you a shove and you fall on your ass, which jiggles against the ground. You look up at her, at all the people in the club staring at you, shock, horror, curiosity, and fascination written on their faces. There's a loud tearing sound and your pants burst off, revealing your juice-stained underpants stretched tight over your bulging, stiffening cock.

One woman emerges from the crowd and walks cautiously over to you. She looks at Sasha, who nods. Soon another woman does the same, then a third. They're all attractive and trendily dressed, the sort of women you imagine these clubs are meant for, and they circle you tentatively, slowly closing in on you. Finally one of them makes a moving, sitting down roughly on your swollen belly, laughing giddily as it sloshes underneath her. Another woman kneels down next to your head and pokes your bulging cheek. The third woman stretches your underwear curiously, yelping as it snaps in two, allowing your fat cock to thump against the underside of your belly and causing you to moan involuntarily.

As the three anonymous women play with your juicy, ripening body, Sasha strides around to your head and gazes down into your eyes, wearing a triumphant smirk. She kneels down and plants a deep kiss on your lips, shoving her tongue into your mouth. She's such a good kisser, you almost fail to notice when she uses her tongue to force the gum to the back of your throat, where you cannot help but swallow. She breaks the kiss and stands up the moment she is certain that you have swallowed the gum, leaving you whimpering for more. You try to reach out to Sasha, but your arms have gotten too thick to move properly, as have your legs.

By now, in fact, you are almost completely round. Except for your cock, while seems to stubbornly retain its distinction, every one of your limbs is being subsumed into the massive berry that you are becoming. Your arms and legs go from thick cones to little puffed up domes, to deep indentations in the side of your form. The only sign they were once there are your hands and feet poking impudently out. Even your head sinks into your round body, until you're nothing but a six-foot by six-foot fruit with a huge, throbbing berry cock.

More women from the crowd step forward to squeeze, poke, prod, rub and roll you while Sasha stands aside, watching triumphantly.

"You see, Pappa!?" she calls up to you as a group of women try to bounce on top of you. "You're a nice ripe blueberry now, not a person anymore, and I can't exactly date a piece of fruit, now can I!?"

You try to answer defiantly, but the only noises you can make through your puffy lips are muffled moans and groans. Even though you're pefectly round, you can still feel yourself getting bigger, pumping up fuller and tighter with thick, sweet blueberry juice. The pressure in your cock is incredible. You don't think you've ever been this aroused in your life. Every time the women roll you from one side of the dance floor to the other you can feel it pulse with need as soon as it touches the ground.

Finally, at about twelve feet in size, when you feel as if you just can't take it anymore, the pumping stops. The juice turns still. You lay there on your back, cock in the air, taking up almost the entire dance floor. Your member is twitching, juice leaking slightly from the tip. You desperately need release.

That's when Sasha steps in. She strides up to you, kicking off her high heel shoes, and starts to climb up your body. She pulls herself onto your belly and walks back and forth over it a couple of times, the whole crowd staring fixedly at her. Finally, she plants her feet on either side of your thick berry shaft, and starts to grind against it. Every time her crotch rubs against the underside of your member your entire body shakes. Every time her ass pushes against your gargantuan balls, you moan hoarsely. She's getting you so close. You can feel it coming! It's almost there!

She stops. As you quiver and quake and moan, she stops grinding, stands up, and slides off of your body. You realize what she's doing and cry out. You try to beg for her to please come back, to let you finish, you'll do anything. But it's no use. Even she could understand a word you were trying to say, you know she's doing this to you on purpose, enjoying it. She puts her high heels back on, and you hear her footsteps fade away until, with the slam of a door, she's gone. You lay there, desperately rocking back and forth, flapping your tiny hands and feet, on the verge of tears, but nobody helps you come.

Unable to remove you or get the juice out of you, they eventually change the name of the club and make you their star attraction. Business skyrockets as people come from far and wide to see the amazing human blueberry. They make you wear a sling for your cock, specially constructed from an old parachute, but that doesn't stop you from getting hard every night as people dance around you and put their hands all over you, eager to know what a blueberry man feels like. Once in awhile you even feel that sweet release. Most of the time, though, the clubgoers prefer to let you squirm.

A number of doctors have been consulted, to figure out if there's a way to change you back into a person, but they have to study you in disguise. The club doesn't like the idea of its prize berry being taken away. Maybe they'll find a cure. Maybe they won't. For now, all you can do each night is hope that the clubgoers get a bit more carried away than usual.

bigpappa110's picture

Thanks so much

bigpappa110's picture

Male 6ft  20 blonde hair green eyes slinder

Would love to be inflated by 3-4 women and played with and teased very high erousal as I grow bigger no poping and would love to have a blueberry inflation thanks


Male, 19, 5'11", slender frame, short brown hair, blue eyes, freckles.

It's my number one dream to inflate but I usually let my inflator decide how they'll blow me up, who could be any sex or gender with any desire since I'm not too fussy. Any solid, any liquid or any gas, or even a mix of all three, I'd happily expand with even more extreme materials. I do like air and water the most though, they are by far my favourites so surprise me! As for the method, whatever floats your boat but I absolutely love the use of hoses, the image of a long thick hose lodged between my thin lips just makes me go crazy. Also means that you don't have to listen to my annoying squeaky voice. In terms of size, I'd adore to billow out to an incredibly huge size, surpassing realistic proportions but begin to stretch and creak as I near my maximum capacity. I'll let you decide if I explode and I'm always up for a good bit of teasing and general sexiness, so don't be afraid to rub my bloated form the wrong way hehe! The setting and story is yours to decide but I enjoy a private inflator-on-inflatee session unless you decide to go for a little story about me alone and an experimental mishap while trying to blow myself up. I like thrilling experiences with forced expansion and general panic but I do enjoy consensual scenarios as well where I enjoy it. Up to you!

Thanks a bunch! :3


Female 25 slim and Red hair. I love extreme hourglass water inflation with hose in butt no popping and no preference for the location. I can be with multiple character 



Male, 6 feet, 195 pounds, gold hair and pale skin

I just love being a big helpless blimp


Male, Around 6 feet, Thin with a small pot belly, brown hair, Glasses

I Don't mind what type of inflation, Maybe water inflation with a burst at the end :)


Female, 25. black hair, slender waist., B sised breast, Dressed in tight nonstretchy outfit and high-heeled, ankle wrap sandals.
And well, cant swell without popping more than x2-x3 in volume in that suit and can't keep myself in one piece longer than a split second once it breaks. Keep this in mind.
And make me burst apart!


I'm going to hijack this response. Your description is too perfect. ;)


After endless months of sexual tension between is, one thing is clear: we're both way too into the flirting to consummate things. So we talk instead. First, I hear you confess your fantasy to me. To your surprise, I then confess virtually the same wish in turn, for I too would like to be blown apart orgasmically. After all, what better end could there be?

No, it's definitely better this way. The only questions that remain for us involve the means and the timing. So we discuss.

The pact is sealed when we conclude that pure lust is the most enjoyable method for swelling each other, caused by nothing but some good old fashioned ego stroking. Also, and perhaps inevitably, we decide that it should be a contest. The winner will know their taunting and titillation were so hot that they caused their partner's detonation... just before their own erotic end.

So we prepare, and then meet. You're stunning in a fashionable red satiny shirt with tiny sleeves that cup just above your toned upper arms. Below, you wear a pair of jet black capri-cut jeggings, the better to show your shapely calves in wraparound stiletto sandals. Sure, the fabric could be called stretchy, but the way you're poured into the outfit leaves little extra volume.

I'm a little more circumspect, showing up in my best suit and tie. The cut is exquisite and the colors are sharp and clean. "Nice, but isn't that a little formal?" You ask.

I just smirk and shrug. "This seems like the time to wear my best, after all. I won't get another. I do like what you wore; it shows off that lovely bottom of yours."

You blush and feel a sudden swell of pride, and a certain flushing warmth deep within yourself. And that's how you know it's begun, as you feel yourself stretch a bit in all directions at once.

"Nice opener," You say as you flash a wicked smile. "Maybe you should come over here and grab a handful while you can."

The tease hits home; you know I've been eyeing your ass for months. You're rewarded with an audible wooshing sound from me, followed by a gentle creaking as I grow just a bit bigger.

I pause for a moment. "I'd like to, but at the size you're at now I'd need more than both my hands, and then what have I got left but my mouth?"

That remark brings a sudden vivid fantasy into your imagination. You can feel the tension ratchet up this time as your inflation presses you up against the confines of your clothing. The pressure hits in all the right places and for a moment you can't see straight.

Eventually, your head clears, and you look at yourself. Your thighs, and breasts have grown turgid and increased in circumference... and sensitivity. You hold out an arm and see that it's grown equally shapely.

You smile at your sudden ripening, and an answer forms. "Well, it'd be about time you actually did something useful with your mouth. Keep talking like that and I might just hike these pants down and bend over." Then you blow me a kiss.

You see my lips form a visible "oh" and hear a low, almost inaudible moan. I tug at my tie and flush as my volume increases, my chest girth increasing, and the fabric of my blouse parting behind its buttons.

As soon as my creaking stops I begin to pull at the tie and pop the buttons one by one. You start to protest. "No fair! The clothing is supposed to get *tight*..."

I just hold up a hand as my suit coat and pants slide to the floor, and my last buttons pop of their own accord, one pinging off of the wall. It's then you see the shiny black vinyl that covers my body neck to navel to ankles. A zentai suit.

Despite my increasing rotundness, the suit hugs me revealingly in strategic portions of my anatomy. You're forced to admit that this isn't a bad stunt, and that you're mouth has suddenly gone dry. And then you find yourself licking your lip as a heat begins to build in you again amd you feel yourself start to increase. "Keep it together." You mutter to yourself.

Gathering your wits, you glance up and down at me with bedroom eyes. With a suddenly husky voice you declare, "Well, if I'd known you were this kinky I'd have just worn my bodystocking. Only I wanted to enjoy all this and it doesn't have a crotch to get tight and rub against me. So... maybe I can borrow yours to rub against?" You cock your hip toward me as you finish.

That does it. You see me bite my lip as my eyes close. This time I quiver as the swelling overtakes me, and you watch me grow outward by inches. Slowly, my expansion peters out, but I'm still left trembling, returning your stare.

And you know you have me. You half strut, half waddle toward me. It's gotten a lot harder to move. I say nothing as you approach, only eying you intensely.

"Nothing to say, huh? I mean, that must have sounded good, because you look about ready to blow, baby. Maybe I should give you a goodbye kiss?" You cock your head, then start to lean in with pouting lips. We're only separated by inches, and you can hear a great stretching sound from me, like a party balloon or maybe a raft getting pumped up.

Then you dart your hand out. Physical contact was definitely against the rules... but at a time like this rules are made to be broken. Besides, you can tell I'm into this. So, you run your hand between my beer-keg thigs in one long, luxurious stroking motion. Time slows to a singular moment, just long enough for you to hear me say: "God you're hawt." I sound equal parts turned on and resigned.

You'd describe the roar that ensues as I burst into a million little pieces as deafening... if it weren't for all the ringing in your ears. The concussion knocks you back into the nearest wall. When you finally open your eyes, you see little tan and black fragments of me raining down.

Then, you feel it building and building in you. Triumph. Pride. Pressure. Pleasure. Like you've never felt before. You won. You blew me apart. You're the sexiest one.

When it all hits it's like a glorious bomb in your nerve endings. All of them. You know can't get much bigger in your outfit, and you feel your top and leggings binding up against your drum-tight skin, quivering for a moment around you. You finally feel the straps of your sandals cutting into you. It's great.

You know you're swelling and recall the pact. There's a ripping, slpitting sound, and your heart stops for a split second as you wonder if it's your end. Then you realize your clothes are falling away, and you're liberated.

You feel cool air on your skin, and the sensation is amazing. The breeze makes your nethers twinge and then you finally let go with the bliss. You hear a voice say "God I'm hawt," and realize it's yours.

You're enjoying yourself so much, you almost don't notice that rumbling. It kind of sounds like far off thunder. But you shrug, because you're having too good a time to think abou...

[Readers so inclined may choose to imagine an appropriate "kaboom" sound at this point. Those who do should be aware that this is entirely gratuitous, but is totally consistent with the author's brand of kink.]


That was really amazing, thank you! A bit unusual inflation method but I like it!


Male, 6ft tall, tanned complexion and an average build, go for say a latex outfit, say a similar look to an inflateable suit.

Something competitive would be fun, say with me and a woman huffing ourselves up to see who can get bigger, she eventually surpasses me by a wide margin and I pop trying to match her, also it'd be great if some some taunting and mocking goes on throughout.


I know it's been a couple of days since I posted in this thread, but I haven't abandoned it. I've been busy with work the last week, but my schedule should open up in a couple of days and allow me to spend more time writing for this.


Take all the time you need, besides you can't inflate all of us at once. ;)


you can't inflate all of us at once. ;)

Sounds like a challenge to me, IP. He thinks you can't do it. Are you gonna take that from him? I believe in you, dude.


Now that sounds like fun!


Note to self, write this scenario last.


Male, 5'10, 210 lbs of muscle and a bit of a belly. Shaved head, olive tan skin, green eyes. Being in the US Air Force, I like the thought of inflating out of my uniform by helium, against my will. Don't mind whatever details the author would like to throw in.

Phraxus's picture

So this is open to anyone then?  That is, anyone can submit to be blown up, or accept the challenge and write something? 

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


Yes and yes. Also, nothing stopping multiple authors from fulfilling the same request.

Blueberry boy 17

Male 20, brown hair, kinda chubby. Love blueberry inflation. Would love to be playef and teased with

Blueberry boy 17

Male 20, brown hair, kinda chubby. Love blueberry inflation. Would love to be playef and teased with

WakkaFan's picture

Male, 29, brown hair, average build. Huge fan of cartoonish inflations if it's by accident or something making me float around until something sharp comes along to make me deflate and blow around. Check out my deviant art. The dreaming god has awakened; you hardly remember dying. Before you ask I actually do end some of my sentences with "ya?".

bodyinflationboy's picture

Male, 18, blonde hair, average build, a little chubby.


Really a fan of blueberry inflation and just air inflation in general, I mostly love it when people comment on it, like how big I am and how I getting bigger. But I HATE popping, it turns me off very fast. I like to wear tracksuits and would love to inflate in one of them


Male, 22, slim and brown hair, straight. I like helium and air inflation with mouth or hoses in my mouth. I also have a balloon fetish so something to do with balloons is always welcome :) 


Female. 5.2 ft tall, long brown hair, slim and skinny. My favorite clothes are purple underwear and bra, magenta jeans, pink shirt, magenta and white coat(unzipped).

Phraxus's picture

I'm not sure if I should be throwing my hat into the ring, given that I took part in the last one, but these are seriously too much fun to resist.  ^^;

I'm male, 31 years old, dark blonde hair, glasses, clean-shaven, with a tall, somewhat thick build. 

Lately I've been fascinated by "Big Bad Wolf" inflation scenarios, where I'm huffing and puffing up huge gusts of wind - usually while someone (or several someones) eggs me on.  Of course, I have to take huge, body ballooning breaths to whip up said gusts, swelling myself up bigger and bigger each time, bursting the buttons off my shirt and pants, before ultimately bursting out of my clothes altogether.  Ultimately, I whip myself up into a such a frenzy of huffing and puffing (with the aid of the person/people egging me on) that I push my powers and my body too far, blowing so hard and inflating so big in my enthusiasm that I overload and explode like an enormous balloon. 

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


Female 24. 6' average built. Ginger hair.

I'm into full body inflation with any kind of gas. Like to be teased and threaten by inflator, though I don't actualy like popping much. Also like cartonish plots with flattenning before inflation.


Hey, me back again. I've done a few of these in the past, though I dunno if anyone remember's. I could give this a shot again for a bit. Keep the descriptions/want's interesting people!

Blueberry boy 17

Im 6'2" male 230 pounds. Brown hair. Wwant to be a blueberry thats hekpless and gets rolled around and humiliated but does not pop

Phraxus's picture

Gonna give this a respectful bump, just in case. XD

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


I'm sorry these are taking me so long. I've been pretty busy with work this last month but now that I'm back in school I should have more free time to work on requests. It may take me a very long time, but regardless of how long it takes I do very much intend to complete every request made up until at least the end of August.


Maybe you could do something with this...

I'd love to have me and my girlfriend inflated to bursting by a jealous ex. Maybe water inflation since its my personal favorite... 

I am male, 6ft tall and athletic build. Brown hair and i like to wear tight shirts. :)

My gf is (obviously female lol), 5'3", a little chubby but not "fat". Auburn hair and loves short shorts :)

The ex can really be anyone female haha. 

Open for business...


29, male, glasses, brown hair, white, but my face would get red when inflated, unless the method of inflation changes my skin color.

I'd prefer a guy inflate me and then play around with me. I wouldn't want to be popped as much as comically deflated and left either feeling very subdued, or I'm pretty much flattened like a balloon with the air let out, then the guy could roll or fold me up and save me for re-inflation later.


I wish someone would start this topic up again, I always miss out on the fun.

GiftedShana's picture

It comes and goes. Our local writers get more than a couple in each time, but inspiration and motivation are as fickle as you can imagine. At least, that's how it is in my case. I'd probably join in on the next time, should another writer ressurect this type of thread.

Life is always a bit better once you pop a few buttons.



I've written for these threads before, and I'm aware we do need more writers, but I figure I'll toss my two-cents in as well, should any other writer's come back to this thread. Might possibly take a few request's myself, but I can't make any promises.


5'10, bit overweight(mostly in the belly), short brown hair and eyes, with glasses. Pretty basic. I am quite fond of the mother/daughter pair up where they team up on myself(after a bit of aruging perhaps) to expand me. Perferibly water based inflation, either via a hose in the mouth, or just lots of drinks. Or getting force fed. The expansion focusing on the belly, but getting bigger overall. Plenty of teasing, both verbably and physically, and I'm pretty fond of getting serviced oraly, blowjobs tend to be a favorite of mine =w=;


Likely won't be taken up, as these threads tend to die fast, but I figured I'd try 


Male. Taller. Love inflation when it involves balloons and cute girls who inflate like balloons. But for me, I'd love it if a cute girl blew me up like a balloon by helium or blow kissing. Even better, if I inflated her and she inflated me by blowback then had some squeaky fun with me!