Is today isn't it?
International Inflation Day
Happy Inflation Day! Anyone want to blow me up to celebrate?
I've been inflating in my swimsuit didn't know it was today
Happy Inflationary Fun Times Day!
Happy Inflation Day even if i'm a bit late of 0h15 ^^
I'm curious, does anyone know how this day was created?
This might clear some things up:
It's a thread I remember seeing last year not too long after I signed up about this very day and the 18th August was the most favourite suggested date as it's the discovery of helium - so we can inflate to our heart's content! I think this is the second International Inflation Day if I'm not mistaken and last year Luther even posted a small celebration on the main page.
I forgot about it until I saw this thread and I don't think enough people know about it since it seems to have been soley set by us, though today I did see a few new deviations over on DA specifically for Inflation Day so it seems to have some recognition by the wider inflation community.
If I had remembered sooner, I would have blown myself up!
I hadn't realised that. The helium thing sounds like a great idea. Great work everyone!
Oops. Forgot to click reply, didn't mean to do that...
Psst! Still up for inflating, guys! Maybe we should have a few holidays surrounding Inflation Day, like Boxing Day but called Inflating Day where we just inflate each other silly... I'm rambling again, someone just stick a hose in my mouth or something.
Holy crap, I'd totally forgotten.
Damn. Kind of snuck up on us, didn't it?
Happy Inflation Day
All the b... to the most swell society among fetishes