Belly inflation - questions from curious person

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Jakubxx's picture
Belly inflation - questions from curious person

Hello all! I'm new here.


I have few questions about anal inflation:


1. When i gonna feel pain in stomach I should stop...but What could happen if I will keep going? 


2. Ok i feel pain stops...After while pain is gone...Should i continue? 


3. What position is the best for analike inflation? Sitting, standing or laying down?


If anybody wanna talk on Fa: Jakubxx it's my name there 


If somebody (females ;))  wanna talk on Skype...send me message here :P 

Jakubxx's picture

Sorry for double the post...My phone get Lagg :/


This here would be the megathread to answer most of your questions:

Personally I haven't found any sort of position, standing, sitting, or lying down, that's best.


The real world answer: it depends on how you define 'pain' and 'pain stops'.

If you mean uneasy feeling of discomfort, and later - numbness, then you stopped the blood flow. Tissues can carry on without breathing for some time. You might want to start deflation because your body can't live without breathing forever.

If you mean a sharp pain, then you injured yourself and should visit a doctor to assess the damage and figure out how you gonna eat, visit toilet, and inflate. The problem with sudden sharp pain is that it is sudden. You don't know when it will happen. So you might want to stop in advance.

Jakubxx's picture

It's like I inflate and I feel this pain of limits. It's like somebody touch my belly by pin. After while ( hose still in ass and I didn't deflate) pain is gone and I can squeeze few more before it start to hurt again...and then again and again. I don't know what that mean. I usually hear and feel how something gurgle inside 

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

First off, NEVER use a shower hose in your anus, there will be too much pressure to safely stop and should the water temperature fluctuate, you could get burned internally or numbed, causing your muscles to not function as well.

Second, I left a response in the safety FAQ. Make sure you read through the whole FAQ though.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

Jakubxx's picture

I mean bike pump hose xD 

I don't know how to call it 

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Sorry, I was assuming the shower hose as many first timers use that. I'll answer on the FAQ where your question is posted.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


The imaginary world answer: no, you shouldn't inflate at all if you feel pain. Because if you do you'll pop. ^_^

Jakubxx's picture

You said.."pop"? Hehe x3 so... Lets do this! 

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

I answered some of your questions in the FAQ topic:

Also, to answer #3, I would say the back is best so you can be the most relaxed. This is especially true for water inflation, as the gravity of the water isn't going downwards as much. You can stand if your inflating with air as that to me personally looks the best, but I find it more uncomfortable than lying down, and cannot hold as much.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

Jakubxx's picture
