Very simple, very basic animation

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Very simple, very basic animation

Hello all!
I'd like to share a very simple animation of inflation and deflation.
It runs on Windows x64.

The link to it:

The link to its source:
The link to entire folder:
The link to the journal on DA with full specs:

Thanks to you all for being such good friends. You all influenced my work.

Also, if you think I'm not an artist and you can do better - I'm sure you can - please feel free. Just put your images in the same place and give them the same names. For example, to change background you have to put your picture and name it 'background.jpg'

If you'd like to modify this animation - just put a comment to this thread with the link to your modification. Then we all see the work of each other and can add to it.

Thank you for your attention


Apologies - I forgot that Google isn't Dropbox, you can't change the file without changing the link.

Minor edits: now poor girl inflates like a cumbersome newbie - but deflates fast and easy like a professional, trembles in a bit more ominous way, gets bigger and more translucent. And there's 'Exit' button - thanks to AlexRus who asked for it on DA earlier today.

I'm reluctant to overly change it for every demand but will keep all wishes in mind in the next program. But such tiny things as adding a button or changing the way she deflates can be done right away.

Link to the folder: the same. It won't change in the future.

Sorry for inconvenience!

BalloonInflator's picture

Pretty amusing :) Not bad for a rough draft. Smooth it out and you've got a good start on something there my friend!

Though, for future reference, I'd avoid having people dowload achive files like this, as most people are untrusting of random files from the internet and may not even look at what you're presenting just because they're afraid of viruses. I realize that there are sometimes no way to avoid doing it this way, but just be aware that you'll probably get some negative responses just because of that.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


Thanks for the feedback, dear BalloonInflator - aaand Done!

Now the lady doesn't dance around while inflating. Picture change is still visible though.

The link to the folder is the same.

The links to the animation and source changed again, sorry! This 'feature' of Google.Disk really starts to get on me ^_^ So I've put it on Yandex.Disk: As an added bonus inflation is not porn on this side of the Atlantic. ^_^

Very good point you made about security issues!

All right, something to satisfy this concern.
The latest modification has the size of exe file 9 012 224 bytes
MD5 Checksum:EA97B2FF54DBE55BEDCD38DE776BDD0A
SHA1 Checksum:DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709
SHA256 Checksum:E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855

Enjoy! And looking forward to more ideas - and maybe the first modification?

version 4 is out, I included the file 'checksum.txt' in the package in case there will be more versions.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Ah, nicely done Lopni! How long did that take you to do?

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


haha thanks ^_^

actually, 2 hours

Plus three evenings of testing - thanks to BalloonInflator and Alex there are two bugs less. ^_^

Graphics killed me ^_^ two months of drawing, half-a-year of learning before that.


Bursting animation is out, folders are the same.

Enjoy! ^_^ (if it's your cup of tea)

In the very simple game I'm making next, bursting will be killing the character. If you're bursting player character - it's an instant game over. So if it's bursting you're looking for, it will be annoying to generate a character each time and play all the way to the part where you can burst her.

Before this very simple game goes out, I'd like to share an animation of bursting that you can play straight up, separate from the game.

Many thanks for attention! And please do feel free to change pictures in the package the way you like.