Hello all!
I'd like to share a very simple animation of inflation and deflation.
It runs on Windows x64.
The link to it: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B67SdgYATndtRUJ4MUxrT3pzNjg
The link to its source: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B67SdgYATndtT3dpOWFVSUYxeEk
The link to entire folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B67SdgYATndtfm1pQWpGLW5kajZ0TXFKUFh0U0NwZVBuaDdWNDZSSTdkRlZ1Q3dDdW12YU0
The link to the journal on DA with full specs: http://lopni.deviantart.com/journal/Hello-there-557467128
Thanks to you all for being such good friends. You all influenced my work.
Also, if you think I'm not an artist and you can do better - I'm sure you can - please feel free. Just put your images in the same place and give them the same names. For example, to change background you have to put your picture and name it 'background.jpg'
If you'd like to modify this animation - just put a comment to this thread with the link to your modification. Then we all see the work of each other and can add to it.
Thank you for your attention
Apologies - I forgot that Google isn't Dropbox, you can't change the file without changing the link.
Minor edits: now poor girl inflates like a cumbersome newbie - but deflates fast and easy like a professional, trembles in a bit more ominous way, gets bigger and more translucent. And there's 'Exit' button - thanks to AlexRus who asked for it on DA earlier today.
I'm reluctant to overly change it for every demand but will keep all wishes in mind in the next program. But such tiny things as adding a button or changing the way she deflates can be done right away.
Link to the folder: the same. It won't change in the future.
Animation: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B67SdgYATndtcTRUYXFab3VycDQ
Source: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B67SdgYATndtaEhHLUJObzMyZGM
Sorry for inconvenience!