Looking for good men and women RP'ers

My RP pooling is drying up more than I expected and looking into trying it again.

As I know guys will respond to this, I am also really interested in finding ladies out there with similar tastes.

I prefer to be the inflatee a lot of the time, so a guy or girl that likes being the inflator. Uses would be air/helium, blueberry juice or other flavors can be considered, WG is another fave of mine though not "exactly" inflation. I prefer the fully inflated look, complete orb or parts still visible. I have no problem with bare breasts or slight nudity, but clothed and exposed skin most of the time; not really a fan of sex acts, popping or anything too violent or gory. So if any sex comes up, it would be a no. Other than that, I use skype as reimeioh1.



I'm interested