The Pageant
"And now ladies and gentlemen, it's time for our third contestant! Lovelly Miss Kimberly!" The announcer spoke out to the microphone, as Kimberly entered the stage in a unison of applauses and stood in front of the speaker right on before the steps to the upper part of the stage. She looked good that night, she was dressed very elegantly, a thick knee lenght skirt with a tight black and white stripped shirt, accentuating her curvy body as her smile was shinning and determined. She had her plans as to win the pageant, as she stood around the other girls in confidence...
"So Miss Kimberly, what is your trick for the evening?" the speaker told her, as Kimberly kept standing silent and smiling looking at the crowd when she lifted a thick hose from the floor and held it near her mouth.
"I have a big surprise for you all!" She yelled to the crowd, as she forcefully stuffed the thick hose inside her mouth, stretching her rubbery lips around it and then gave a signal backstage to where the hose led. Instantly a loud hissing noise echoed through the crowded hall, as Kimberly's cheeks bloated outwards like balloons, her sexy eyes shooting wide open from the pressure building up inside her body as from what it seemed she was inflating herself up like a balloon. The first rows of seats were taken backwards by suprose as Kimberly's curves shot outwards in volume and size, especially her once ample boobs, now within seconds inflating up to the size of beachballs, stretching her striped shirt and forming a vast cleavage of boobskin almost 5 times the size of her inflating head. Her thighs and buttocks had the same over inflating fate as they stretched her skirt to inredible width, seemingly her buttocks from the inside must have been at the size of giant watermellons and growing even larger by each passing second...
"Woo hoo!!!" A horny guy yelled from the audience, as most people where snapping pics in surprise or trying to leave the hall in terror from what was about to happen, but Kimberly seemed way determined to withold endless amount of air this evening as to win the competition, and indeed she was making it quite BIG already...