
Woman spy gets inflated 3

The animation to this inflation sequence can be found in the web links section and is named "woman spy gets inflated".

Woman spy gets inflated 3
Average: 4.1 (12 votes)

A New Attraction - Part 4

A New Attraction - Part 4
Average: 4 (4 votes)

Pressure Up The Duff

Pressure Up The Duff
Average: 4.6 (26 votes)

Getting Sloshy

Getting Sloshy
Average: 3.9 (17 votes)

A Wedding Balloon

"Oh my goodness, at least they could choose a blimp with more modesty, with some panties on perhaps..."

An old woman, guest of the wedding, whispered to her acquaintances within the crowd, as a huge spherical blimp with protruding domes, packed in a garment that resembled Ashley's wedding dress, was slowly rising above the guests at the entrance of the old country barn that the wedding festivities were taking place...

A Wedding Balloon
Average: 4.2 (16 votes)

A Beach Blimp

A Beach Blimp
Average: 4.3 (15 votes)

Waterhose Mishap

"Damn, i'm thirsty..." Zoe whispered to herself, as she wiped the sweat from her forhead. The day was hot and she got up from her spot on the grass, from where she has been sun bathing, and moved towrds the water faucet. She knew she neede some water and the sight was quite tempting, although when she arrived at the faucet, she saw a thick hose coming out of it....

Waterhose Mishap
Average: 3.6 (14 votes)

A Little Too Much Air

Moaned Valery in distress, as she extended her arm with all her might, trying to appeal to Carla for Mercy, as Carla turned the knob on the air tank at full blasting mode and left the court, shutting hardly the door behind her...

* Translation:
"Carla!!! Please come back!!! Promise i'll make it up to you somehow!!! Take that hose out of my mouth, i'm getting too big and it's stuck!!!! Please Carla, don't leave my like this!!! Carla, Wait!!!!

A Little Too Much Air
Average: 3.9 (19 votes)

The Pageant

Inflation Types:

"And now ladies and gentlemen, it's time for our third contestant! Lovelly Miss Kimberly!" The announcer spoke out to the microphone, as Kimberly entered the stage in a unison of applauses and stood in front of the speaker right on before the steps to the upper part of the stage. She looked good that night, she was dressed very elegantly, a thick knee lenght skirt with a tight black and white stripped shirt, accentuating her curvy body as her smile was shinning and determined. She had her plans as to win the pageant, as she stood around the other girls in confidence...

The Pageant
Average: 4.1 (9 votes)

Narrow Bathroom

"Carla, you sure all right in there?" Carla's sister called out from outside the bathroom door, quite worried from what was going on inside there, as all she kept hearing was Carla's muffled moans and air hissing, like a balloon that leaked air in fury... On the inside, things were getting really tight and packed as the confined bathroom was running out of space due to the volume of Carla's expanding curves.

Narrow Bathroom
Average: 3.4 (9 votes)
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