A Wedding Balloon
"Oh my goodness, at least they could choose a blimp with more modesty, with some panties on perhaps..."
An old woman, guest of the wedding, whispered to her acquaintances within the crowd, as a huge spherical blimp with protruding domes, packed in a garment that resembled Ashley's wedding dress, was slowly rising above the guests at the entrance of the old country barn that the wedding festivities were taking place...
"Oh dear you are right, what a realistic looking blimp, there's even her back...hmm... holes, drawn on the balloon surface, that sure is absurd... Dunno what that girl had in mind, and what a strange custom indeed to inflate a blimp that looks like the bride on such a country wedding, but this is really ridiculous..."
Another old woman responded, as the whispers from the crowd kept intensifying and all people were observing the uprising blimp, expanding and inflating above them, now almost more than 15 feet in diameter, as the comments from the males were getting a little sleazy and their spouses and women kept covering their eyes in an attempt to save the modesty of the occasion.
This was indeed getting ridiculous at that point, since none in the crowd knew how the couple managed to find such a realistically looking balloon for the occasion, since all the details and features on her surface were awkwardly human, like it was an actual girl inflating and not some look alike blimp, like it was indeed Ashley the bride and not some rubber replica of hers. And why not to give them justice, as the blimp had such a realistic rubbery skin, with all Ashley's features perfectly drawn on the surface, her face especially, as the expression was full distressful with bright looking sparkling eyes and red lips that were well wrapped around the thick air hose, cheeks the size of softballs of her rubbery face and so on, while her hair was so real looking as well...
The wedding dress around the blimp was very realistic as well, as it stretched and grew around the rubbery balloon, since it was the exact same texture that Ashley wore a few minutes ago as she did the welcoming on the entrance of the ceremony, all with flowery golden belt and knot at the back, even her white wedding high heel pumps were the same as the domes of the blimp that were her feet, were vividly bulging around the edges of the shoes while on overall she had sported some tight shiny bulges all over, her breasts, now the size of a weather balloon each, tightly bulging out of the top of her wedding dress' front, as the blimps that were her arms were huge puffy domes of their own, stretching her dress around her even thinner with each passing second, as the mechanical pump kept siphoning tons of pressurized air into the blimp that kept inflating and expanding over the wedding guests, blocking thick shadow over the event as the blimp was now more than 25 feet in diameter ,the hissing as well as deep balloon sounds echoing all around the yard...
And the people kept commenting and cheering at how weird this custom was, but none seemed to be able to track down were Ashley was. It was ever very strange, as if at the exact moment when this blimp appeared into view, Ashley completely vanished out of sight, and this was getting really awkward since it was very rude for the bride not to be present within the crowd of her guests at all times till the event was over...
"Where the hell is that girl, and why was i not informed that she had a huge replica blimp of her self scheduled to be inflated at her wedding? A no panties? Seriously Ashley? Trying to get the groom's cock up already? Heh, this is really weird though, i must admit you did a good job in finding the best replica though, it's really like it's not a replica and it's the actual you up there, wow, way to go sister, now on to find you..."
Jane, Ashley's sister whispered to herself in awe beneath the blimp as she turned her head around the crowd in an attempt to find her sister, still no sign of her anywhere though...
"Miss, Miss!!! The balloon is leaking, I think it's gonna blow..."
A little green shirted boy, pulled Jane's dress while yelling an pointing to the blimp in worry, as indeed Jane raised her glance to see that the blimp was forming huge streams of leaking air from her nipples as well as her lower holes, which gave her some serious thoughts...
"How can this be? Is this blimp so realistically made that it's has actual holes on the nipples and the pussy and ass hole? And where the fuck is Ashley?!?"
Jane stood there closely inspecting the blimp as she noticed a huge air leakage coming out of the blimp's mouth around the hose...
"This is not good, Ashley!!! Where are you, Ashley? Ashley?!!?!"
Jane yelled in the crowd, as she was right beneath the blimp's head at that point, and just a glance was enough to see the blimp's eyes blink and her eyes actually darting around in distress, as she heard...
"Oh shit.... ASHLEY!!!!"
Jane froze in her place as she realized what had just happened and yelled to the blimp's face, before running backwards to turn off the pump, before the wedding ended with a huge blast...