Looking for a story

Sorry if this is the wrong place, but I've spent ages on and off trying to find this thing to no avail.

The premise is basically that this girl fills up her belly with water in order to trick her boyfriend into thinking she's pregnant so he'd stay with her. But then he finds out and inflates her to much larger proportions.

To be honest, I'm not really sure why I want to find it so bad. I don't really enjoy that kind of premise, and I don't remember the writing itself being that awesome either. But I really need some confirmation that this story exists, cause for some reason it's really bugging me that I can't find it.


I remember reading that... but i'm not sure where.... I actually liked it. but yeah... I'd actually love to find that one again.

If you wanna RP with me shoot me a message of what you like and are willing to do, and what you don't like and are not willing to do. I'm open to a lot, but what i am not open to.... well... it's due to things i've had heppen in my past.

LutherVKane's picture

Sounds like The Plan, by Skull.


That's it, thanks!

Just realized I accidentally dissed the author in my original post... If you're reading this, Skull, sorry about that!