Blueberry fanatics wanted.

Hey.  I'm looking for guys who love blueberry inflation, whether it be turning me into a blueberry or turning you into one.  We can discuss preferences over IM, however I don't really get a kick out of things if the inflation is willing.  Weird I know, but it's just my take on it.


Feel free to add me on Skype or Kik; Skype is better for me.  BlueberrySarah1 for both.


Umm... I'd actually love to do an RP with you, but... my only access to skype is on my phone, and it's difficult to get a good connection on it, and my phone isn't compatible with KIK.

If you wanna RP with me shoot me a message of what you like and are willing to do, and what you don't like and are not willing to do. I'm open to a lot, but what i am not open to.... well... it's due to things i've had heppen in my past.


I messaged you on Skype and KIK!!! I'd love to roleplay with you


I'd be very interested in roleplaying, if you're still around?

Blueberry boy 88

I'm a guy, and I love blueberry inflation, my kik funforall 56

batman1029's picture

Did you get a partner or are you still looking?

If not then I'd like to rp with you


I'm already messaging you on there

Pink-Bunny's picture

Hey! I'm interested! I like unwanted inflation too! Blueberries are fun!

:) From PB <3

Pink-Bunny's picture

Note: Not sure how this all works lol, so making sure I'm getting my message to you! :)


I'd love to be your berry boy and I don't mind blueberry inflating you too! Unwanted inflation is what I'm into too. I don't like Popping, I rather juicing.

First time RPing on here- let me know the best way to work it out!

:) From PB <3