Looking for a story

I don't remember a whole lot about the content, other than the fact that it was called "Night of the Living Balloons"... I can't remember where I found it but I don't think it was ever on BI.org. Maybe Wrenspot?



the closest I could find. Maybe Wren knows? Cause the only page of Wrenspot that's stored in Webarchive is mentioned in Phantoncrow's post here:


Well, that's decidedly not it, sorry. It was an actual written story.

doubleintegral's picture

Are you 100% certain of the title?  I've plumbed all of the old story sites I know of (Wren, Sickstar, Ladybumps, Overflowing Bra) and all of the old Yahoo groups of which I'm still a member.

I remember Sladky's old Expanding Horizons MSN group having a lot of stories that weren't posted anywhere else.  If it were there, unfortunately it's probably toast.


95% sure. Do you have a link to the full Wrenspot story archive?

doubleintegral's picture

Wren Spot didn't have a ton of stories, and they were separated by expansion type.  Just go to archive.org, search for www.wren-spot.com, choose a date and then browse to the body inflation section.

SvenS's picture

Could it be "Taking Hold" by Captain-I?


or "Revenge of the Balloons" by JB/Gravidlad?



I definitely remember the story you're talking about, and yes that is the title. I'll scour the way back machine for the story. 


I knew I wasn't imagining it - thanks. I've been looking too but haven't had any luck...