+1 to the above comment.
If me or somebody else ask you for inflation video call you will say:
Tue, 12/29/2015 - 23:15
Tue, 12/29/2015 - 23:30
I thinking about something like: Skype inflation call or something like that
Wed, 12/30/2015 - 02:09
How would that even work? O.o
Wed, 12/30/2015 - 03:15
Sorry for confusion!
Pan Jakub just wanted to know what is a fan base around this "sport". Who are spectators and "athletes". He meant a video-conference mode, where people compete or watch from the "tribunes".
As for me - in real world it's too private to my taste, so no thanks. But I'd like to support you guys. Next time I won't put embarrassing comments. Sorry again ^_^
I choose #4: What's inflation video call