Victoria's Injustice
"So, what was so important you had to drug me out of aerobics practice so early? I have early shooting this afternoon and i have to be in shape, lots of action scenes today..."
Victoria told you, as she walked by your idea at the middle of an empty parking lot, dressed in nothing but her multicolored aerobics leotard, a tight black leather belt around it and her sports shoes. She sure had a sexy figure and she knew it, so no matter how much she was complaining to you, she was taking all the advantage of the stroll to show off her sexy ass to any passer by at that point...
"An outdoors photoshoot in my leotard? My agent never informed on any such thing... nevermind, it's a cool morning so be quick about it, i have to get back to practice in time!
Victoria continued, as she was convinced that this was a photoshoot and your wicked plan was working just perfect, as she stood there, posing in a sexy smile for you with her hands right on top of her hips, as you started shooting pics...
"What's the airtank for? I don't see any balloons around... and what's that weird noise behind me...?"
Victoria mumbled to herself, as she turned around to see a huge construction roller heading straight to her....
Before Victoria had the slightest chance to react but just to extend her arms in horror, and just like out of a cartoon, the huge bulk machinery, came over her with unbelievable speed, applying tons of pressure between it's metallic drum and the concrete beneath her, trapping her and squishing her flat almost instantly , as it continued it's fast pace, disappearing from the parking lot in seconds, leaving Victoria plastered on the asphalt, squished compressed and spread like dough to the thickness of a few millimeters, like a cardboard cutout of herself.
Her flattened face had the expression of pure horror and annoyance on it, as her flattened limbs started emerging from the ground in an effortless attempt to get back on her feet. She trembled and folded like rubber as she soon collapsed back to the ground at a pile of rubbery skin, multicoloured cloth and hair, as her eyes kept daring around in panic, and she kept mumbling muffled swear words through her squished mouth...
"Oh, you'll be in great shape alright..."
You whispered to her, as you ducked by her flattened head on the ground and took the hose from the air tank, shoving it in her mouth with full force, blocking her every attempt to make any more silly sounds, as you turned the valve of the airtank to full blasting mode and moved back at what was about to take place....
Victoria tried to scream, as the air started entering her flattened body, sending bulges throughout her comical form that trembled on the ground like a sex doll that was just plugged in the air pump. Her cheeks shoot out to the size of softballs, protruding from the ground like small rubbery hills, as her boobs shot out like melons too, one at a time. The rest of her body followed up as in a matter of seconds, Victoria was full of air and had her former size and shape, only this was not over yet...
The air tank kept sending generous amounts of air through the hose into Victoria's body, overinflating her, and filling her up with air to the point wear she was becoming several times larger that she should be. Her midsection expanded with pneumatic force, almost to the size of beanbag chair in seconds as her breasts and limbs, fattened up and inflated at the same pace, like a rubber doll that was left on the plug by mistake...
In a matter of minutes, and through loud muffled protests from Victoria's hose-blocked mouth, a huge gargantuan flashed colored balloon, with an extremely thin leotard stretched around it's over expanding glory, started casting it's shadow over the empty parking lot. Victoria was becoming a hot air balloon, as she was about the size of 4 SUVs in a row by now, and only kept getting larger and puffier as each second passed by...
"Do you see those balloons now? Hahaha..."
You yelled at her inflating face, as you stood back to admire your ever expanding Victoria balloon, as people were starting to gathered around this odd spectacle of the young actress, turning into the world's sexiest hot-air balloon...