parking lot

big inflation

Inflation Types:
big inflation
Average: 3.9 (8 votes)

Special Treats

"That's weird, where could he be?"

Sharon whispered to herself, exiting the store out in the parking lot. Your car was missing, and you were absent. She begun being worried and tried to look around in the place in await for you, since you could have been distracted on something, when she found a strange red transparent plastic box, just at the spot your car had been parked before, with some strange candy-looking pills in it. By closer inspection, the box read :

"Sharon! Sorry for this, I'll be with you in a while, indulge on my special treats while you wait!"

Special Treats
Average: 3.9 (8 votes)

Off You Go, You Bad Belt!


Brianna moaned in distress, through the thick hose blocking her mouth and sending her cheeks bloating outwards as a huge blast of mechanically pressurized air, hit her mouth with full force. Her already blown up curves shot out to various sizes bigger, inflating with air as her midsection starting expanding outwards, her belly expanding like a balloon beneath her monstrous sized boobs, as her thick leather belt had very serious issues at remaining in tact...

Off You Go, You Bad Belt!
Average: 4.1 (7 votes)

Victoria's Injustice

"So, what was so important you had to drug me out of aerobics practice so early? I have early shooting this afternoon and i have to be in shape, lots of action scenes today..."

Victoria's Injustice
Average: 3.5 (8 votes)
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