Special Treats
"That's weird, where could he be?"
Sharon whispered to herself, exiting the store out in the parking lot. Your car was missing, and you were absent. She begun being worried and tried to look around in the place in await for you, since you could have been distracted on something, when she found a strange red transparent plastic box, just at the spot your car had been parked before, with some strange candy-looking pills in it. By closer inspection, the box read :
"Sharon! Sorry for this, I'll be with you in a while, indulge on my special treats while you wait!"
With small letters, written on the bottom of the box. Sharon picked it up, and since she could never turn down free sweets, she immediately gulped them down to the last, more than 10 pills the least...
"Mmm, yummy..."
She exclaimed, right after wiping her lips. They tasted nice and her waiting became a little more pleasant right before the box felt her fingers and landed on the ground in front of her, breaking in a hundred pieces...
Sharon groped her belly in distress, as sudden low gurgling noise starting coming from inside of her and she started feeling bloated all over. Suddenly within the grasp of her arms, her belly surged forward in her hands, pushing away like a balloon, like a sudden triple twins pregnancy, Sharon screaming in terror as her eyes went wide and the bloating feeling starting spreading all over the rest of her body...
In a matter of seconds her entire body bloated all over like an expanding balloon, her boobs inflating like gigantic rubber orbs, pushing out of her red-dotted tank top, on top of her gigantic belly, as her ass and thighs were also expanding rapidly from below, giving her an overall blimpy spherical figure, as she was already at 6 feet in diameter by now....
Sharon was HUGE, as her entire body became like a blimp, expanded and overinflated, her limbs and tits protruding like orbs from her blimped giant body as she stood there, suspended in mid air in the middle of the parking lot, motionless and with a bloated face, leaking gas from all her holes and unable to speak rather than moan in distress as she was not able to understand how that horrific thing happened...
Your laughter echoed from behind her, as she felt a gentle push and you started rolling and bumping her up and down her like a giant ball, towards the wide open spot of the lot...
"Haha, these bloating air pills really worked after all! Time to have some fun!"
You yelled at her, as you were completely lost in bliss with your new Sharon balloon, that still kept getting bigger and bigger with each bump...