Off You Go, You Bad Belt!
Brianna moaned in distress, through the thick hose blocking her mouth and sending her cheeks bloating outwards as a huge blast of mechanically pressurized air, hit her mouth with full force. Her already blown up curves shot out to various sizes bigger, inflating with air as her midsection starting expanding outwards, her belly expanding like a balloon beneath her monstrous sized boobs, as her thick leather belt had very serious issues at remaining in tact...
The rubber noises intensified, as did the hissing sounds and Brianna's ballooning body already was resembling something out of a cartoon as she was becoming a spherical blob of inflated flesh, with mounds and curves protruding here and there as her eyes were wide open in distress and her cheeks were now by the size of a mellon each, when....
Her leather belt went off, tearing in half as it furiously unwrapped itself around her - already over 15 feet ballooned - waist, sending hard ballooning vibrations throughout her entire balloon body...
"Off you go, you bad belt, now we'll see how big can you get..."
You whispered to Brianna, as you turned the valve on the tank to even fuller mode, Brianna's moaning intensifying, as her body was now almost stuck between the ground and the ceiling, and it begun seriously deforming as her inflation kept going even faster than before, soon to block the entire parking lot...