WANTED: People Willing To Do Slob

I am literally all out of options for looking.

Hello! Good citizens of BodyInflation.org! I have come here with the task of recruiting people who are up for the following:

Weight Gain





Yaio (In some cute cases, not all the time)

Questionably Furry

Dragon (Not full on, like, sort of cute human like dragon stuff)


And others. (ask me some other stuff)


Please use Yahoo Messanger, mine is sorab4p@yahoo.com!

Please don't use emojis as your only thing to say. Like...I don't want to see your only line of dialouge be :). You can use them, just don't be like that.


Be a little descriptive!


Be fluent in the way you speak, and don't try to mispell a lot. (If you do, that's okay, as long as it's not every single post)


So uh, I'll just sit here...and wait...for responses.


Hey there. Mostly into the weight gain and slob, but I like things to get a little dark. Are you okay with bursting?


Looking at the original poster's profile, I would guess that bursting is out, robohobo93. He indicated that popping was a "no."


Yeaaah, I'm not one for bursting...maybe here and there, but not really a primary part. I don't look for bursting as an "end" to an rp. If it's in there, the character has to be patched right up. So, bursting is pretty rare.


Ah, sorry! Didn't think to check your profile!