Commercial idea

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Maxwell 32
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Commercial idea

Imagine if there was this new soda with ten times the carbonation, it's opens,"you see two guys walking together to the corner store, one is 20 the other is his 17 year old brother who is competitive, there looking for something new, and the woman at the counter says you boys try these, brand new soda it's called exploders, the both buy several bottles. Once they get home they read the description box which reads, EXPLODERS, GUARANTEED TO BLOW YOU UP. THEY BOTH DRINK 15 bottles, they both start complaining about being too full, then they swell up, their bellies stretching their jeans, and hoddies, but the 20 year old stops expanding when his belly is the size of a pregnant woman, however his younger brother drank alot more. He swells up to huge size, pressure building up inside him, only to explode. Voice over says, are prepared to take it like a man or are you a little boy, going to explode under the pressure.