The cartoon that gave me this fetish. I want to see what people think, Because it is unique…

Most people got their inflation fetish from something like Willy Wonka, or sometimes even Looney Tunes. Mine was a bit more unique.

Heffalumps and Woozles/Pink Elephants on Parade

Yes, you heard me right. The scene that psychologically scarred hundreds if not thousands turned me on! I would prefer to find some females who feel similarly, but that's unlikely so I'm open to anybody. I don't know why it affected me the way it did, but it did. And gave me pretty much all of the fetishes I have today. The abuse Winnie the Pooh takes gave me a liking for humiliation/teasing. All that shifting and transforming gave me a fetish for transformation. The huge sizes gave me a fetish for hyper. The fact that there elephants gave me a fetish for Furies. The transparent Heffalump gave me one for inflation and popping. And the Cannon gave me a fetish for orgasm denial and docking/urethra insertions!
Crazy I know, but that's how it is. Would love to chat/RP with anybody who's into it hope to hear from you soon.

NobodyjustNobody's picture

I refuse to let this die. XD I'm determined to find someone who found this arousing. I can't be the only one. LOL.

Phraxus's picture

I wouldn't be surprised if this had an influence on me as well.  I remember having a strong reaction to it as a kid (particularly Pink Elephants on Parade - though that may have been due to the drug-trip quality of it as much as anything), though whether the seeds of my fetish had already been planted at that point or not is something I can't rightly be sure of.  Even so, I do occasionally find subtle elements of it working their way into my fantasies now and then, so it left an impression, if nothing else. XD

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


I remember the elephants from dumbo. It wasn't a fetish starter, but colorfully insane

NobodyjustNobody's picture

 Yeah, this was totally the thing that started me on pretty much every sexual fetish I had. LOL I don't know why it affected me but even now I find everything related to them super hot. XD 

Phraxus's picture

I still find myself oddly drawn to the notion of balloony elephant-type characters.  I'm actually surprised the inflation side of the furry community hasn't exploited that more. XD

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

NobodyjustNobody's picture

 Like I said, I'm trying to find people who are into this. Hopefully I can find some people LOL 

Phraxus's picture

I'm always happy to chat if you're up for it.  I don't know if I'm 100% what you're looking for, but it's worth a shot. 

Feel free to drop me a note if you want my contact info. ^^

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


I can't even recall what "triggered" my fetish, but that does sound rather amusing :)

NobodyjustNobody's picture

Lol! It's tons of fun. Pun totally intended.

NobodyjustNobody's picture

 I've had over 300 people view this, and I've probably only had two or three contact me about it. XD  I am super determined to find people who are into this. Hope to hear from some new people soon. Guys or gals.  (Ps. I use Kik or Skype. Also most of my RPs involve sex. F.Y.I.)

85nobdss (not verified)

You might want to try PM'ing individuals... : /

NobodyjustNobody's picture

 That's the problem, I would have no clue who to PM.  So I just leave this here. If I ever see someone who I think is interested I'll send them a message, but other than that I just got to wait but waiting sucks. XD 

NobodyjustNobody's picture

Come on 500...XD

NobodyjustNobody's picture
