Looking for women who like popping. Giving or receiving either way.

 I've done a lot of posts here so I won't make it very long, if you're interested in my likes and dislikes you can check out some of the other ones. But I'm looking to meet some females who are interested in a nice big finish. Really hope to meet some new people! 


( Kik or Skype if possible.)


Same here ;) so message me as well ladies


I'm a guy! I don't like being inflated. But I'll inflate you! Message me~





NobodyjustNobody's picture

Just thought I would update this as opposed to posting a new one,  even though I love Popping, I would still love to chat with any females  Who have an interest in my posts. Nothing against you guys, but I don't exactly have a lot of lady friends to talk to. XD hope to meet some new people soon!

NobodyjustNobody's picture

 Just wanted to bump this, I'm still hoping to find a lady who's interested but I've pretty much given up all hope. XD

NobodyjustNobody's picture

 The fact that I haven't gotten a single response is kind of disheartening. XD I had really honestly hoped to find some people who are into what I liked but looks like it's going to be a lot harder than I thought. LOL 

NobodyjustNobody's picture
