Does anyone know the name of the movie...

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Does anyone know the name of the movie...

...that came out a few years ago about a group of misfit teens who had powers, who were secretly assembled and given super hero names and costumes... one of them being a boy who could balloon up at will. There was a trailer going around, and the CGI looked pretty good, I'm just not sure if it ever came out or not, and I can't remember what it was called. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

I feel like it was a Tim Allen movie named "Zoom"? I never saw it but I feel like that might have been it. 

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Yep, Zoom. That awful movie with a guy and inflating body parts came out...


But not Hood! *Cries*


That was it, thanks. Givin what can be done with CGI, here's hoping there will be an inflatable woman charicter someday... portrayed positively would be a plus.