
Inflation Types:
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Nina walked through the carnival, smelling the night breeze which kicked up the sawdust around the area, making it look like a desert with sand blowing across the ground. Flags and tents rustled quietly in the mild wind, almost drowning out the sound of her bare feet on the graveled path. Ahead stood a rope-mesh fenced off area with the banner "Ocean Of Bubbles" rippling in the breeze.

She headed towards it and walked up the little gangplank to the side of the bin. Inside, there was a little 2 foot slide leading down into a virtual sea of golden balloons, rustling and bumping into each other slightly due to the gusts of wind. Feeling adventurous, Nina knelt down and tried to grab one of the balloons, but lost her footing and slid head first down the slide.


She barreled into the mountain of balloons, making them all careen wildly about the cage. She propped herself up on her hands and knees, looking around herself. Nothing but golden balloons filled her sight, each of them seemingly rushing towards her in a reaction to hitting the cage walls. She was buried in them, and she almost felt warmer being so. Her spandex- lycra shorts and button-down blouse were nary good protection from the chilly night air. She played gently with the wall of balloons which caressed almost every part of her body now. She grinned and contemplated laying down in the spot to catch a nap, but considered not too.

While she pondered her predicament, she happened to notice that the nearest balloon to her face seems to be making a faint hissing sound, very faint, but still audible. Soon, the other balloons chimed in, making the air fill with the almost silent symphony. Her brow furrowed as she attempted to find the reason...perhaps she had punctured one during her descent? As she looked about her, she noticed that they didn't seem to be fact...they seemed to be getting larger! As she stared at one specifically, she saw that it was indeed inflating. She barely had time to turn when she noticed a tightening feeling in her chest. "What the heck?" Nina spoke finally, clutching her B-cup figure and nodded her head in curiosity. As her left hand lay upon her right breast, she could feel it swelling slightly, as her left one grew into her forearm. She reared herself to her knees, breaking her head over the horizon of the balloons. She now clutched both her breasts, almost squeezing them, trying to find the reasoning behind it all. As she looked about her in a panic, she noticed the level of the balloons was rising as they continued to expand.

"I'm getting bigger, and they are too?" Nina thought, panicking. "I gotta get outta here."

In response to her very words, the balloons tripled their expansion, submerging her in the sea of gold again. She arched her back as she felt her own bosom begin to fill out faster, already testing the limits of her bra. "Oh my god!" Nina gasped as she examined her ballooning boobs. The volume from the new mass was pulling her blouse away from her body now, untucking her shirt from her shorts. They were definitely getting bigger now, as the arching back of Nina continued to fall backward to steady herself.

"I gotta get out of here," Nina stuttered as she rose to her feet, uncertain of her balance. The balloons pushed tighter against her, especially since there was more of her now. She felt the growing balloons as they inflated against her growing breasts, almost supporting them against gravity. Her head once again was over the horizon of the balloons, but just barely. She spotted the edge of the slide and began to push her way through the ever- tightening wall of balloons. She stopped momentarily, the pain from her bra digging into her sides now becoming apparent.

"My bra..shit that's too tight!" Nina moaned, trying to maneuver her arms around to her back to undo the hooks. Since the balloons had compacted her in the cage now, she had a hard time getting both arms to maneuver through the warm surfaces of the balloons. While she tried, her chest continued to blow up bigger and bigger, and a visible gap began to grow between the buttons on her blouse. Nina could see her ever-deepening cleavage through the new windows to her growing concerns. She'd always wanted bigger bazooms, but this was crazy. She'd seen porn stars with added equipment, but she was rapidly surpassing even them.

"Oh...oh...owwwwww!" Nina cried as she winced from the pain of her bra, continuing to try and contain her billowing flesh. After a few seconds, Nina got both hands to her hooks, but the strain was so tight now she couldn't even pull them apart. "Dammmmiiitttt!" Nina said, arching her back violently, causing the weak B-cup bra to end it's death grip on her tingling and expanding tits.

She felt the material of the blouse as her breasts swelled up larger and larger inside it, making the material slide further and further apart. This excited her, and her now life-savers sized nipples grew instantly hard, creating a new surface for the expanding balloons to rub against. Nina realized that a balloon had maneuvered itself between her legs now. She hadn't noticed it at first, constricted from all sides, but now her legs were being pushed apart from the expanding latex. She soon felt the almost hot surface of the balloon touching her crotch as her legs continued to be spread wider and wider.

She attempted to move her legs back together, but the space inside the cage was almost now completely filled with balloons and they just continued to swell into Nina, making her movements little at best.

POP! The middle button of her blouse gave up, making a slight noise as it burst from its seams. Her stretching tit flesh was now caressed directly by the balloons, making a squeezing sound as they rubbed her, the whole bed together. Her breath was almost panting now as the experience was becoming a good rush of adrenaline.

"Yes...I want this," Nina gave in, moving her hands eventually to the sides of her huge boobs. She grabbed the sides of her blouse and began pulling the material away from her chest, creating tremendous pressure on the buttons. RIP RIP RIP RIP went her button strings as her monstrous breasts burst from their bonds. Now almost every inch of her huge hooters was being rubbed against by the warm balloons. The very feeling of having almost every square inch of her body touching like this almost made Nina pass out..

Her legs, almost doing a complete split now, were being massaged backwards and forward by the balloon's latex, driving her crazy. "Aaaahhhhh..." Nina sighed as a balloon maneuvered it's intake valve into her face. Nina's open mouth greedily took of the balloon, and inside her bust she could feel the weight begin to lift. Her breasts grew even faster, but she could almost swear it was getting even lighter. "Grow, GROW, GROW!!" Nina gasped, clutching her bosom with her hands, her knuckles almost ivory white from the grip.

The ropes of the cage finally hit their breaking point and the huge balloons began to escape from the cage. Nina felt intense pleasure as the balloons moved swiftly about her, hitting her erect nipples with their intake valves. She felt her whole body lift from the ground with the rest of the balloons, and soon she could see through balloons that she was indeed flying up into the sky. To this day, people swear that they see a golden cloud fly by, and that in the wind they can hear giggles from that very same cloud.

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