
I figured it was about time I threw my hat back into the ring.  XD

What I'm Looking For

As the title of this post implies, I'm interested in inflation/expansion RPs with a strong emphasis on popping.  Ideally, I'd love to do an RP where I'm forced to inflate myself bigger and bigger, until I eventually get so enormous I explode, but I understand that this is a rather niche interest, and I'm quite happy to RP other sorts of scenarios as well.  I'm comfortable assuming the role of inflator, inflatee, or both (I'm fond of 'mutual' inflation RPs where both participants expand - be it competitively, erotically, or just for the hell of it).  I can play both male and female characters, and I have a small roster of 'general use' characters that are suitable for a wide range of scenarios - though I can come up with new ones on the fly as-needed.  My only real stipulation is that I won't RP established fictional characters or real people, though thinly veiled pastiches or parodies are just fine. XD

How I RP

I primarily RP through YIM, AIM, and Skype, though I have done play-by-post email RPs in the past as well.  I do NOT use Kik, so please don't ask. ^^;

What I WON'T Do

Blueberry, weight gain, and anything involving gore, bodily waste, or underaged characters is strictly off-limits.  If you're not sure about something, just ask.  The worst I'll ever say is "no". ^^

That's about it!  Feel free to drop me a note/PM if you're interested, and I'll share my contact info with you (I'd post it here, but I've had bad experiences doing so in the past, so I feel it's better to share it on a case-by-case basis). 

Cheers! ^_^


I'm up for it :)


I'm up for it :)


I'm up for it :)