Help With Inflation Story

Just asking anybody on the site, can you help me with the writing of an inflation story involving Trudy Chacon from the movie Avatar? Along with the picture, I took the liberty of posting some tidbits to go by. For some unknown reason, I'd love to see an inflated Michelle Rodriguez. She's hot already with her real down to earth personality and her sexy Amazonian figure, but she'd be even sexier as a blimp. This is not my original artwork.

Here is Michelle Rodriguez as Trudy Chacon in James Cameron's Avatar movie. This is an alternate deleted scene in the movie that I thought of. 

There was another exploration team with Jake Sully, Dr. Grace, and Norm Spellman on the planet Pandora, and Trudy joins them. Jake, Grace, and Norm are in their Avatars and are waiting for Trudy to get the chopper ready. Norm thought it would be funny to play a prank on Trudy, so he changed out her oxygen pack for helium pack. Trudy comes, not knowing what happened and she is gets the plan ready and the team sets out in the wilderness. 

So, when it was time to join them on their science trip and exploration of Pandora, Trudy lands the plane and everyone gets out. Trudy gets her pack and puts it on. She gets out of the plane and walks with them inhaling helium. As they got more into the woods, Trudy feels a pressure in her building including a feeling of nausea, some stomach pain, and intense sweating, until finally realizing that she was inflating up like a balloon. The somewhat salty but reliable Latina’s belly, breasts, and thighs got more and more pronounced as her once tight figure starts to resemble the size of a double-decker bus. Jake stops and looks up to see his friend a hot air balloon. Grace and Norm come out of long and tall bushes seeing the incident. Far away in the trees, Neytiri is watching and shocked to see a sky person inflating into a balloon. 

Will someone help Trudy or will she pop by the pointy branches of Pandora’s woods? 

Michelle Rodriguez is an American actress, best known for her roles in the films Blue Crush, Avatar, and the Resident Evil franchise as well as the TV series Lost.


Ummmm.... this my picture and I drew it and that is actually what I wrote on my deviantart page. I don't know what is going on here, but you should have consulted with me first before jumping the gun and posting something that was already written and made. I don't want to be mean and I am glad you like my drawing of Michelle Rodriguez but first make sure you ask me first before jumping the gun. 


Ummmmmm....ummmmm...ummmmm...I never claimed this was my original picture so why is this such a big deal made for a picture that wasn't even posted on this site already. I just needed help in regards to writing a story based on this picture, if that isn't hard to understand. Your picture was the only thing I had to by as far as what Michelle would turn out looking like in the story I needed help on.


Lol the answer to that question is in the license that DA puts on every deviation. Just click the link and read what you agree with when using DA. ^_^

In short - even if the work is free, you still have to acknowledge the author and ask permission when distributing another's work.

To the subject - you've chosen to post a nice story and picture. If you like, I can help you to turn it into an animated story. All you'll need is to write a dialogue and maybe do a bit more photo-manipulation.


I agree with Lopni. First off I am not attacking you theblackspanther, it's just I wrote the synopsis and the scenario to this picture on DA, so I took it offensively for not being asked permission first to do it.