Body Inflation Within Religion?

Hey everyone,

I've been puzzling over this topic for quite a while, seeing as I left organised religion quite some time ago and became SBNR instead. Has anyone ever attempted to incorporate a religious practice, real or fictional, into the context of a body inflation story? As in, is there anything sort of material that includes a fictional religion that centres around body inflation or the body itself? I know the series "Fuusenkunoichi" by Funky O' Brien is along those lines, but has it ever been done in the context of inflation being part of an actual religion?

Bascially, I'm currently writing a story about a girl who joins a strange church whose practices centre around body inflation, and I got a bit worried that this sort of subject might stir up some controversy on this site if I post it. Is it okay for me to write about something like this, and are there any limits to what an inflation writer or cannot write about?



I can't claim to know what SBNR is, but to answer your question, no, I haven't thought about using religion in any of my stories, not even the handful or so I'm currently thinking about writing. I guess, if I had to, I would do something in the form you mentioned, some made up religion that incorporates inflation into their practices or rituals. 

I honestly don't think there are any limitations, at least not regarding this I would see an issue with. Sure, some people might get upset, but people get upset about anything these days, I don't see any major issues with using a made up religion in a story, heck, could even make some of it make sense, that it's a practice that dates back hundreds or thousands of years, there's no real reason people are doing it, it's just what they've always done.


The oceans roar, the stars explode
For you my maker, saviour,
You're all-mighty G-d

I think it's all right, but that's just me. I'd say the topic is definitely under-researched

A quick search for "religion" and "prayer"

SBNR stands for "Super Bloated, Nears Rupturing".
A few funny folks pretend it's "spiritual but not religious" - don't believe them.

Deep_Breath_In (not verified)

Ah, sorry to say but I am one of those "funny folks"; SBNR does stand for "Spiritual But Not Religious", which is where one self-identifies to a life stance of spirituality that takes issue with organized religion as the sole or most valuable means of furthering spiritual growth.

Nice prayer in your comment, by the way!

doubleintegral's picture

Check your sarcasm detector re: the first definition of SBNR.


First of all, apologies - attacking your faith IRL wasn't my intention. A joke about a locally used acronym seemed funny at the moment, but it was uncaring. Sorry!

To religion. Heium Girl's TDB Foundation has a few items whose origins and powers come from some deity. LimitBurster/LimitBreaker has some notes on fantasy religions related to inflation. Also, I think I've seen a story somewhere that explained existence of the Moon - it's some swollen beauty. Don't remember what else was in the story, but it's really old.

Finally, recently a document on inflation gaming has been posted in tabletop thread - it has magic spells and holy prayers, must be prayers to some sort of inflation god. I know, it's too dice-swelling and dragon-bursting, but I bet those who run games about inflation surely invent religions for these priests. Maybe GiftedShana, Daemon, Phraxus or other people experienced in tabletops can tell you more.

doubleintegral's picture

Also, I think I've seen a story somewhere that explained existence of the Moon - it's some swollen beauty. Don't remember what else was in the story, but it's really old.

Pretty sure that's mine.

Deep_Breath_In (not verified)

Ahh, that's fine. I was actually going along with it by saying I was one of those 'funny folks'.

Thanks for the sources! I'll be sure to check those out!


It's never come up, but in my Amazon world, there's a female variant of Marduk "sending an evil wind" into a male variant of Tiamat.


I've a series on DA right now where the most recent installement features my ballooning couple attending Easter Mass, and it's heavily hinted at that the ability to inflate is a divinely appointed thing- or at least for my lead character. Does that help lol?

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Kinda want to rewrite parts of the Bible but make it all inflation related and shit. I'm going to hell anyway, Might as well make it an express trip.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Heliumgirl's story "Blood of the Sun" features inflation rituals uncovered at an ancient temple where women were sacrficed to the sky, and is excellent.