I agree. I would be an inflator anyways
Would you rather be able to...
Of the two options provided, the first is more desireable to me.
However, if I had my ideal choice, there would be no limit to the duration.
That's exactly why, as one of them applies to the actual inflation, but the other applies to being inflated
For B... could you choose to stay inflated permanently? I don't wanna deflate.
Yes. As long as you want means as long as you want, whether limited or not
Oh, perfect! Once is enough, especially considering I wanna go boom.
Is there a size-limit on this thing, or is it basically 'as big as you can get in 5 minutes'? Or does the counter not start until you stop inflating?
Starts when you stop
In either case, I choose the first optioin - a five-minute time limit is a small price to pay for the ability to puff-up whenever I want, especially if the timer doesn`t start until I stop inflating. You`d be surprised how much fun you can squeeze into five minutes. XD
I'm a bigger fan of the inflation rather than the being inflated part. I do like being inflated, but if I could do it whenever for five minutes as opposed to once for life, then my choice is very clear.
Since I rather enjoy the process of inflating, I wouldn't mind if I had to deflate every five minutes. Just means that I can get pumped up again sooner.
Option A.
Guess I'm in the minority picking option B.
I'd just love to find someone I really care for then let them turn me into a blimp forever.
The first option definitely, but applied to others. I'm mostly into the inflation process anyway so seeing my friends blow up out of their clothes and then stay briefly inflated before returning to normal size shortly after is fine by me
I would pick option A except not on myself but on other people