I remember a while back before I understood inflation I liked balloons, and I always loved riding or hugging them and that was erotic. When I found inflation was my actual interest I didn't actually get that many inflation dreams, now that I think about it. I did have one though where it was a semi-lucid dream:
I remembered somehow in my house I was dreaming, and I proceeded to try and find a way to inflate myself. I ended up finding my soda carbonator, and after becoming somewhat round, I was able to float, fly, and bounce around for a few seconds.
That was about it for me in that dream. Most of the time I dream of flying and when lucid I try to achieve that instead.
Catching those REM cycles are we? :p
I've a had a few. Sometimes it's a woman inflating, myself, or both, but sure, always arousing though. At least that's what evidence shows upon awaking... Weirdest one I thought was a nightmare because I was working in a cubicle farm, but then it turned into storming the beaches at Normandy with everyone still wearing their office attire with the addition of army helments. Somewhere in the midst of that, there was a woman inflating out of professional business wear and it was bretty gud.
As per the story, maybe? I'd imagine if the person writing it were trying to incorporate several fictional universes into one story, it wouldn't be a good story if the writer didn't know anything about the universes you're talking about. You can always send me a PM or post it here, see if anyone else wants to take a crack at it.