Glad to hear I've got your interest, though I'm almost more glad to hear that I can now confirm that a second person has not only read, but enjoyed "Castaways."
Would love your thoughts as the new story progresses.
Hello, all, you may have read my story here called "Castaways."
I have started a chapter by chapter release of a new story at:
It is a competitive body expansion story. If you've read my past stories and enjoy exhaustive descriptions of women growing larger and larger in different ways and through different means, I think you may enjoy it.
Glad to hear I've got your interest, though I'm almost more glad to hear that I can now confirm that a second person has not only read, but enjoyed "Castaways."
Would love your thoughts as the new story progresses.
Chapter 2 is now up. It is still mostly character and world building. I put it out quicker so that it wouldn't be such a long wait until Chapter 3 which will see the process begin. Hope you still enjoy it, and I would love any feedback or criticisms you may have.
Chapter 3 is now up and the contest begins. Any feedback would be welcome.
Just got around to reading chapter 3. I'm guessing that Dawn will be expanding with a mixture of air, water, and food? It was kind of hard for me to tell if this was going to be a WG story but now it seems like the plot is going to line up with my interests. Guess I'll have to wait for chapter 4.
Very nice setup so far. Keep up the long form chapters, it suits you and the story well.
Doubleintegral, I greatly value your imput- moreso now as I've just read your "Guide to Writing a Better Inflation Story." I agree with pretty much everything you wrote, and I hope this becomes evident in my story. Part Four will be up soon, and I hope it is worth the wait.
Chapter four is now up and things start getting bigger. Would love to know your thoughts.
Still going well, still looking forward to future installments.
One question - are you being intentionally vague on whether Dawn's growth is fatty or firm? My assumption is yes, and I'm guessing that the slight hint at the end about inflating as she breathes will cause her to keep a relatively tight shape instead of Etna's flabby form.
Glad you're still on board- hope a few others are as well.
I don't want to say too much, especially if you are going to keep reading. All I'll say for now is that Dawn's new physique will be described in far less vague ways soon enough (by Chapter Six unless I break things up differently.)
Sorry, I don't mean to be rude and not answer your question, but there are a few surprises and suspenseful bits that I think would be ruined if I did. I'll happily answer anything about past chapters, but I don't want to hint too much at either what's to come, or what I hope will set this story apart.
Nah, it's cool. You answered my question without spoiling it, and I wasn't necessarily looking for spoilers either, just calling my shot on where the story was headed.
I will say that I have peppered in many little hints about future story elements. Knowing that the chapters would be released weeks apart, I wanted it to be rewarding for anyone who actually re-reads the previous chapters.
Chapter Five is now up. Things progress. Lots of expansion and appreciating those expansions. Maybe some intrigue.
Questions, comments, complaints- all are welcome.
Finally got around to reading it. I have to say that the in-depth descriptions of Dawn's exploration of her own body is probably unmatched in inflation literature.
However, I must admit to being completely confused by the way the chapter ends. I have re-read the last couple of sections multiple times and I have no idea what's going on. Am I missing some hints that were dropped, or is this purposefully vague to the point that we have to wait until the next installment to find out what's taking place and why Amber and Lydia are so horrified?
Doubleintegral, thank you, thank you, thank you!
I'm pretty happy with how the story is turning out, but I do find myself quickly slipping into the mindset that this is all just weird, pointless, and possibly just plain bad. Your support and kind comments go a long, long way to making sure this gets finished.
You mention in your own advice that a writer should have someone they trust look over their work and I've had the generous help of Blake Isaac Gordon on both this and "Playing With a Full Deck." This chapter is certainly much better due to having a second set of eyes upon it. A simple request to focus not only on the growth, but more on how things were feeling to Dawn led to some of the best parts of this chapter.
The end of this last chapter is very much meant as a cliff-hanger. This is one of the things that excited me about doing chapter-by-chapter releases. I don't expect many will be able to guess what Amber and Lydia are reacting to, but when revealed it should make perfect sense and you'll see that certain hints were made as far back as chapter one. Expect some future chapters to end in cliffhangers or misdirects as well, which will hopefully create excitement and encourage re-reads.
Lastly, a question- the story text is being posted at both The Process and Dimensions. I am posting links here, and the BEarchive. Only a few dozen at most seem to be seeing the posts here (does anyone even go to this sub-forum or should I just be posting in the general one?) and the BEA. The Process gets a few hundred views per chapter, and Dimensions gets well over a thousand. Is there anywhere else I should be going to get the word out? Some have mentioned DeviantArt, but I'm not sure I want to set up a page, or if I do, that will be the final resting place for all fully revised works. Dimensions was an after thought, but it's actully had the most reads (however comments are few and far between and don't go beyond requests for more.) I know this story is a bit of a hybrid, so it may be a hard sell. It's also a long one and that may be keeping some from wanting to commit. Any suggestions on how to get this out to those who might appreciate it would be appreciated. I figure, if anything else, at least it's free.
Thanks again. The next chapter should be up in a few weeks and should be a pretty exciting one.
Ok cool. I just wasn't sure if I was being dense or not reading the story correctly.
For all its faults, DeviantArt would be a pretty decent place to post your stories. Since it's also a kind of social network, you can benefit from "watching" people and them "watching" you. Whenever you post new material it shows up in all of your watchers' feeds, and your watchers "fave"ing your work allows their watchers to see it as well. It may take some time but that's a pretty good way to build up a following.
To give you an example, years ago I was having trouble with my handful of stories getting traction. Seeming out of nowhere, the venerable JohnnySwell stumbled upon my page, watched me, and added a two-year-old story of mine to his favorites. His multitude of watchers saw that, and suddenly they were coming to my page, reading my stories, and watching me. The system does work.
Thanks for your insight doubleintegral on deviantart. I'm more tempted to try it now.
Chapter six is now up.
Doubleintegral- I'm curious if the cliffhanger from last issue pays off in a satisfactory way.
This chapter involves the most intricate and tense scene I've ever attempted. Would love to know your thoughts if anyone else has read this far.
Sorry I'm just now getting to this - been on a bit of a hiatus for the last month or so.
Yesss, now things are getting good. Easily the most detailed story I've ever read. I was starting to think that it might be a little too detailed, but now that we're at the part I like the most I selfishly hope the pace continues. It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea, though. Looking forward to chapter 7!
doubleintegral- I'm glad the story is going the way you wished, and hopefully this chapter has answered your previous question as to whether Dawn was growing fatty or firm.
To those who may have not read this story because of the initial emphasis on weight gain- it's actually a weight gain vs. body expansion competition. The two opponents grow larger, but in very different ways.
The level of detail should be consistent throughout. I'm actually enjoying finding all the little observations that I would probably miss if this was a straight out race to enormity.
A very subtle thing happened in this last chapter, but I don't expect anyone to catch it until some more details are revealed in the next two. But I am curious how the "cliffhanger" with Holly ended up working. Once you find out what Etna had her do, it should make sense, though much of the set-up for this was done back in the first chapter.
As for not being everyone's cup of tea, well that's expected of any fetish content I suppose. Scanning back through this page I can see you're the only one to respond, so as far goes, I am in fact writing this just for you. Searching around, I found the dimensionsmagazine forum and posted this there as well. I wasn't sure what they'd make of this, but the response has been pretty good.
Thanks again- more to come, though I'm afraid my schedule has become too busy to get much done.
Hello Clovis!
Once you've mentioned a Dimensions website, however typing "Dimensions" in search gives me Dimensions tailor shop, a dozen of musical albums and Dell dimension
PM'ed you a while ago - do you have a link to Dimensions?
Many thanks!
Lopni- sorry I missed your PM- I've never actually had someone PM me before, so it's not something I'd been checking.
Here is a link to the Dimensions site which is for weight gain. I'm not that familiar with it, but found it when looking for places to post my new story (which is in part about weight gain.) It seems like a very large, very active community.
Good luck with your project.
Chapter 7 is now up at the Process and Dimensions forums. Special thanks to Double Integral who also provided feedback for this chapter. I would appreciate any feedback from those here who may be reading. The story can best be summarized as scientifically enhanced weight gain vs magical body expansion/inflation told in an exhaustively detailed way with fun characters.
"Castaways" is one of my favorite stories - it doesn't have many peers in terms of the scale of the expansion. Definitely will be keeping an eye on this.
Stories I have written