I agree with this entirely. It was this exact attitude that made me start writing in the first place. Write the stories you wish existed. You'll know if you are doing a good job if your stories turn you on ;).
That being said, fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perspective, the bar to inflation writing is pretty low, so you're really competing against your own standards rather than the standards of the existing inflation writers.
You say you're already a good writer, splendid. In that case you should be able to avoid the usual traps of writing fan fic as inflation (ok, it's a personal bias of mine) and not understanding the grammatical rules of writing.
Otherwise, get writing, get fat, and get it out there :)
Advice for the young and curious.
Hello friends!
I was curious if any of you had advice to give a young and blooming writer. Mainly about inflation themed things.
I like to think I'm a pretty good writer, But when it comes to inflation I feel a little lackluster. I'd love to add to the library we have here, But I want to be sure it's up to standard quality.
So, Advice?
Inflate123's "Advice for Writers" is excellent advice and still up at his old blog.
Link here:
Thanks SvenS for posting that link. I'm surprised I never came across that. Sievert/Inflate123's "Remote Possbilities" was my introduction to this madness. I would also recommend checking out this link of writing advice from DoubleIntegral:
^ Thanks for the H/T, amigo.
Most importantly, don't write something just because someone else wants it. Write what you want to write about.
It can be helpful to have a friend or acquaintance in the fetish to help you with your stories. Someone who can read your stories and say "I like that" or "this part needs work" or "you misspelled hippopotamus." Find another writer you admire, or at least respect, and ask if they will read your latest work before you post. Alternatively, there are a small number of fetish writers out there who will gladly take your money to do editing work, like Body Inflation's own TheFwank.
Always nice to see more inflation fetish writers. Welcome, and good luck.
The best thing I could offer at this point (since so many good things have been said :) ) is to keep writing. Keeping that momentum up is key. And always have fun, no matter what!
Reading over your profile, my advice is to not make make the story about inflation rather make it about characters who happen to inflate.
Airtankgirl5 did this well, her stories were about super heroes who happen to inflate. Which is much more interesting then just inflating super heroes.
One shots are fine to make about just characters inflating. But long stories get boring if there is nothing happening beyond the inflation.
just my 2 cents.
I couldn't have said it better! And I think you might have just helped me get over a problem I've been having with one of my longer stories. :)
Yippee, someone read them! :)
They were very good. They helped me when I started writing kinky stories. IMO they are required reading for people who want to write this kinda stuff.
"I wish someone would write a story where...."
If you've had this thought, write that story. Learn from the stories you enjoy, but instead of trying to emulate them, focus instead on what they're not doing that you would like to read about.
Good luck.