Favorite Characters to Inflate?

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Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture
Favorite Characters to Inflate?

Howdy! It's me again, Margaret!

Margaret the Moonlight!


ok im sorry that was awful haha. felt the need to make an undertale reference but it came out like crap- ANYWAYMOVINGON

The topic of this.. Topic today is one that I haven't really seen floating around the forums in, Well, Ever. And I've been lurking for a while, So I know my shit sort of.

Who is your favorite character(s) to have be inflated?

For me i have far too many to count without writing something equal to the length of War and Peace, So I'll just list off a couple.

Sona from League of Legends, Shiromori from Mystery Skulls Animated, D.va from Overwatch, Her Imperious Condescension and Roxy Lalonde from Homestuck, Mettaton (despite it making literally no sense whatsoever lol) from Undertale, And finally the Dark Magician Girl from Yogurt-ohs. I mean Yu-Gi-Oh.


Now tell me friends, What're yours?

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Mrs incredible


Noire and Olivia from Fire Emblem: Awakening come to mind for me. 

Also Lucy from Pokemon. That exposed belly is just an invitation to blow her up

firnov's picture

At the moment Veronika Belova (red alert 3). Who doesnt want to make a kirov-airship of her body ;)

And boom goes the inflatee


Shinonome Nano (from Nichijou) - she's a robot, so she can be modificated and misused by Hakase for some crazy experiment.

Asuka Langley of course. She cannot be not associated with inflation - because of her suit.

Ika Musume!

Gadget Hackwrench (her access to compressed air should be quite easy)

... and many more others I cannot remember right now.


Jakubxx's picture

All dragons possible :P The best inflation targets ^^


Sheena from Tales of Symphonia. Something about ballooning female ninjas always appealed to me.

In my Utopia there will be helium, lots of helium

Sergy92's picture

Any of my favorite media girls is always a preferred inflatee for me. For example, Rosalina or Samus Aran.


The girls from Tenchi Muyo. Five different girls to blow up five different ways.

I'm mean. 


Any cute enough girls, but especially Princess Peach, Lisa Simpson, Misty, May, Toph, Katara and any of the Zelda and One Piece girls. ^u^


My favorites are Princess Peach, Daisy, and Rosaline. Samus Aran, and Sonya Blade. Not many but they are amazing balloons ;)


Most of females from final fantasy universe like for example Tifa. I'm also getting into seeing Disney princesses inflated.

Spark95151's picture

Dva from Overwatch

MidriffManiac's picture

this gal

edit: dammit i just realized this is an old post so in that case...

Image result for necro posting meme

airtankgirl5's picture

Rogue, Zatanna, She Hulk, Ms Marvel, Emma Frost...

Ok so I clearly have a comic book thing. 

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

To add to ATG's comic book girls..

Gamora, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Dazzler..

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Welp, may as well ride this train to the last station.

Mirabelle Graceland and Jerusha from the obscure anime Wild ARMs: Twilight Venom. Really good one too.

Sylveon and Delphox.

Tama from World of Final Fantasy.

If I had to choose a human (Mirabelle isn't one funnily enough) I'd say the Gym Leader Valerie from Pokemon X/Y. Hell if I know why.

EDIT: Self-note, lurking beyond page one at 10:15 PM is worse for your health than I feared.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Take it from me, Lurk too deep and you see the horrors of the forum. Y'know, The dudes who like scrotal inflation.

Side note, good list. 

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

AmibelleTheChinchilla's picture

Mine will be White Bomeber (Bomberman), Meta Knight (Kirby), and of course Waylon Smithers (The Simpsons).

I do have dogs, but they're kinda annoying by their barks.

Waylon Smithers Jr. wanted to bloat up and float like a balloon.


AmibelleTheChinchilla's picture

Mine will be White Bomeber (Bomberman), Meta Knight (Kirby), and of course Waylon Smithers (The Simpsons).

I do have dogs, but they're kinda annoying by their barks.

Waylon Smithers Jr. wanted to bloat up and float like a balloon.


ThiccPuppette34's picture

Teen Chara & Teen Frisk, as well as muffet... UwU

MsLuv's picture

Too many characters to count!


Oh man. Waaaaay too many for me to list all of. I guess I'll mention a few personal favorites.

Rin Tohsaka from the Fate franchise.

Cynthia from Pokemon.

Misato Katsuragi from Evangelion.

Mercy from Overwatch.

Junko from Danganronpa.

Tharja from Fire Emblem.

And lastly (though certainly not least) 2B from Nier Automata.

ThiccPuppette34's picture

Myself/Charlotte Emily/Mary 'Onette/FNIA Marionette.

My adorable wife Sierra(she's 22 years old.)

My soon to be wife #2, Six.(She's a young adult(18+), you humans!)

Frisk and Chara(both of which are 23 years old)


I'm not an artist but, in my head, my childhood crush C. J. Parker (Pamerla Anderson) from Baywatch. So many chances for an accidental inflation of a lifegaurd ranging from scuba gear mishaps to compressed air tanks used to inflate rafts and the sides of rigid hull inflatable boats (boats that are solid on the bottom and the back but are inflatable on the sides, which lifeguards would probably be more likely to use in real life instead of the boats they mostly used on the show but it's obvious which is more stylish since this was a show that started in the 80s). Plus the high cut one piece swimsuit she often wore would really complement an hourglass inflation.

Also Kitana and Mileena from the Mortal Kombat series. Of course I technically don't have to use my imagination to see them get inflated but I don't care for the way they inflate in the games since none of the ones i'm aware of feature hourglass inflation. Fortunately Ylandrax seemed to have read my mind https://www.deviantart.com/ylandrax/art/Tease-482961046

Alexis_White_catloli_UC8Inflate's picture

*I know we've never met, but I'm going・②・comment on this anyways... :P

My favorite Characters・②・inflate are the Colored Bombermen (from Classic Bomberman), any of my OCs/FCs from my very own Creation (Pekoshoujo de Uchuu Mahouu Teien & the Pekousei♡Alexisverse, that includes my Bomber-Catgirl Self-Insert too), Tomoko Tanimura (from Joshikousei no Houkago... Pukunpa), Hapura Sapura (from Tripuzz), Bonk/Genjin (from Bonk's Adventure/PC Genjin), Milon (Video Game Character, but I like his 1996 Design the best) & probably a lot more character in my mind.


I've ocasionally fantisized about Harly Quinn from her own Tv show inflating her shorts to get a mondo sized ass.