What's your 'Origin story'?

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Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture
What's your 'Origin story'?

Howdy ho, Friends. It's around 1:40 in the morning at the time of me writing this, I'm not drunk-tired yet, Lets fucking go!

So tonight/today I offer an interesting question to you all. 
'What is your origin story for this site?' 
By this I mean, Well, What exactly drove you to join this site, And what were your early days here like, Etc etc etc.

Might be a little vague but I'm having a hard time putting this into words, The sleep drunk thing is rearing it's head on me. But if y'all can understand the ramblings of a short, Young woman with slight anger issues and an unhealthy addiction to EDM, Please do tell your Origin Story. 

Me is curious???

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Mine was Violet Beauregarde's blueberry inflation scene in the 1971 Willy Wonka movie. I was maybe only five and found it very alluring for some reason. We had the movie on tape and I often just FF to that scene, and it excited me in the same way as Slave Leia. I'd watch that short scene over and over again, ignorant of what was inevitably my sexual awakening. Even to this day I think my favorite 5 second clip of any movie is...


'Violet! What are you doing now?! You're blowing up!'

*As Violet begins to inflate, her red belt strains under the tension*

'I feel funny!'

* Belt pops off*


I only wish the newer version were better, but this is quite possibly where the majority of us started. In addition to this I absolutely adore pregnant women... maybe not so much the 'expansion' as their taut, round belly. I don't however much care for fat chicks or other forms of expansion.


Really, I do, I find them so attractive

airtankgirl5's picture

On second thought, this is what drove me to this site, so it's still a valid answer.

I was like 20-21 or so, in college.  I already had a sort of a superheroine kink in my head, that I was exploring further, and most of my boyfriends didnt mind too much because it meant I wore fun, skimpy outfits.  I had been pretty seriously dating this guy with GREAT shoulders, we were at my place, watching TV, by which I mean we were making out on the couch while the TV was on.  So there we were, and he...its hard to say...changes tempo.  He got WAY more excited.  Being the mathey sciency person I am, I knew it wasn't me, BUT I HAD TO FIND OUT WHAT IT WAS.  I turned to face the TV and there was this commercial for Gasx.  You older folks might remember them.  They featured people being cgi morphed into inflated versions of themselves.  Here was Mr. Shoulders watching the commercial, while I was topless.  Hmmmmm.

Other than being inflatible (now) my two defining characteristics are:  I'm very, very smart.  And I'm essentially fearless.

So, I hopped off of him, went into my room to change into a superhero costume (dont ask what, I'm not a cosplayer, if the costume I pick actually matched a superhero costume, it was blind luck mostly.  Suffice to say it was shiny, tight and stretchy.  I then plumped it out by stuffing a pillow in the tummy. walked back into the living room and I like to think I leaned against the door all sexy, fat and confident and said something cool like , "So, what do you think of my new look."  I'm fairly certain the reality wasn't quite as cool as that, but I did get my point across.

Turns out, Mr. Shoulders was the first inflationist I'd ever met.  Yes, we'd had sex before that, and he hadn't worked up the nerve to come clean.  Ok, I get it, its a big deal.  

So in that one night, we wound up having the best sex that night that I had ever had (not that I'd had a whole lot of partners, but hey I knew what went where and what felt good),  I discovered I was an inflationist and really wasn't even aware of it, because it turned out, I REALLY REALLY liked it.  He proposed the next day. We went on to become Mr. and Mrs. Shoulders. 

In the years since, Mr. Shoulders and I have since parted ways, buuuut, here I am, stuck with an inflation fetish like a STD.  

And obviously I still have a thing for superheroes :)

Early days on this site, keep my ears open, my big mouth shut and read EVERYTHING. 


I'm pretty sure it was the skirtachute from Alice in Wonderland.

I'm mean. 

CobaltSnake's picture

Well, I once just had a fascination with the concept of inflation, just the idea of a human slowly becoming bigger really sounded weird. It didn't arouse me at the time, it just seemed "interesting". Then, a few years later I found the vast deviantart fanbase, and finally I stumbled upon this site. Both of which pretty much made this fetish hot for me.

I think I've had too much...

LutherVKane's picture

My origin story for this site? That's gonna take some rememberin'. Stay a while, and listen.

This was back in the 90s. The online inflation community was quite young at that point. I'd been involved for about a year, and I wanted a persistent space where I could post my stories. Trust me, kids, it wasn't nearly as easy back then. This was years before DeviantArt.

America Online provided each of its accounts with 2 megabytes of web hosting space. They'd recently released a free HTML editor called Personal Publisher. Armed with these and code shamelessly ripped off from Inflate123's site, I built the Body Inflation Home Page.

And the rest is history.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

I think I've said snippets and pieces before, but I'll just post here anyways the whole thing.

I think a lot of people have origins that date back to that movie regarding this fetish. Pretty much all of us enjoyed watching that girl blow up like a blueberry, some of us had attractions to soft inflatable things such as balloons, and some of us have side fetishes that may not directly relate to inflation fetishism at all. My first "journey" (as there are a couple).


Mine started from our rather obscure way, and that ended up bringing me to where I am now. There was a show called Kenny vs. Spenny and it's a show about two best friends having competitions against each other, where one guy wins a weekly competition and, and the guy who loses has to do a humiliation of the winners choosing. The one episode was who could blow up bigger far, and halfway through one guy found a way to psyche his friend out. He created this a Stong where he could pump air into his butt, and as a joke and as curiosity I decided I would try that myself too.

Turns out that I actually was really enjoyed the pressure, and I only delved more into it from there. Pass that point I started seeing some artwork or animations reguarding belly inflation itself, at which I found I was rather intrigued by. I was a big fan of these cheap 3D animation someone always made, but also saw some furry inflation too that I didn't mind either.


After a couple of years, I thought that I would try and stop and get past it, because I thought that it would be really unhealthy. I thought that if I abstained from it long enough it would go away. This proved to be very untrue after three years. Slowly, I started to do more research into it, and figured that if I can't get rid of it, I should at least come to good terms with it. Sometime after that, I decided I wanted to help others who were inexperienced with that, by searching up and using a lot of the medical information I have found. 

I figured that since bodyinflation.org was the biggest hub regarding inflation, I would set up shop here and talk to other like minded individuals, and post the things I've learned and stayed to help newcomers. Yes, body inflation is obviously a risk but if people are going to do it but are willing to learn, I will always be there to help them out with it.


As Luther put it best: "the rest is history."

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture





BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

firnov's picture

Well, its the people. They understand me, and i understand them.

In my time on this site i had some nice chats and shared my thoughts and feelings in the forums. And not to speak about the wonderfull stories and pictures (i feel like kid in a toyshop)

But most of all its still: that i know now im not alone with my fetish. All around the world are people who feel the same. And that feeling makes this site to me a really special place on the internet.

And boom goes the inflatee

NobodyjustNobody's picture

 What I was only six, I was watching  Winnie the Pooh. It got to the part with the Heffalumps and Woozles. Specifically the bit where pooh  picks up a honey pot and a transparent Heffalump emerges and starts sucking up the honey with his trunk. Growing bigger and bigger and bigger until he fills and pops!  This sexually awakened me,  and forever twisted me. XD to this day I still find everything related to them super hot. I developed so many weird fetishes from other things in the scene as well. Body inflation,  popping, and Furreys are just the tamest!  And the worst part is  it's almost impossible to find anybody who  is into it! I know it's super obscure but there have to be some people. And I found a handful. I had to resort to making my own perverted drawing/morphs of them. I even have a Tumblr! XD 


I'm recent - 2014.

Figured my fascination with everything inflatable at the age of three and got it sexualized when discovered sex decade later ^_^ I guess it means, I was fascinated with inflation for a decade longer than I was turned on by it, and it shows. ^_^

First time I visited BodyInflation after becoming a PhD. Yeah, being dumb. I went on conferences, collaborated on stuff with people around the globe, and it required being online more and more. Finally I figured I could use internet for fun as well! So I did - and of course started looking for inflation! ^_^ And of course BodyInflation was there, among other sites like AiryTales and mighty Yahoo groups. Back then polishing and translating some of high school games of USSR age - Tetatet, Minesweeper, Arena - under the name 'Sulion' helped me to get married for the first time, then I wrote Popstat, had nothing more to contribute and left in 2004

Then I joined Bodyinflation again in 2008 when I lived in Derby, UK working for one of aerospace giants. It was very lonely, besides I wanted to find a new wife after being in bitter divorce for several years. Kinda, if inflation boosts my sexuality, then I should do something inflation-related, else I won't find wife ^_^ Wrote a few stories under the name 'Lopnesh', dated girls in a few countries, then finally found Maria in Perm, Russia - mission accomplished - and happily left in 2009

Then I joined Bodyinflation yet again in 2014 when Maria and I had enough of "seeing the world" and decided to buy a house and have children. What can I say? I thought the problem was in me... This time I'm called 'Lopni'. I had a 3D world-roaming RPG in mind, and needed a lot of help in making it, so I asked around a lot. Some people were silent which is ok, some said honest no which is also ok, some said yes sure and did nothing - and that killed the project despite some people (like VioletGambit and ATG) provided really cool not critical pieces. Well eventually I convinced Maria to see the doctors, and next month she got pregnant. So to round up loose ends before another leave - cause I have nothing else to contribute - and to put to good use whatever material people provided, I'm doing a couple of tiny projects that I can do myself. VSG, Inflation Formation, game mechanics ^_^

I'd like to thank you all for the fun I'm having chatting with you each time, and to Luther who keeps making it possible at his own expense for the third decade straight.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Aww, Shit son. This was easily the best thing I've read in a little bit, This was an adorable origin story lmao

Keep being you, Lopni, You crazy diamond you.

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


well since people are so sincere, especially people like ATG (Mr and Mrs Smith) and Luther - it's always interesting when he tells another history detail about this site!

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Shiiit, Maybe I should do one now. Feelin' a little left out lmao

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


Well, I guess for me, I lurked around deviantart for good stories to read, and I ended up here! That's the short version, anyway. :3


I think I always have had a thing for size change like shrinking, I "sparked" after being assigned to an author research project of Roald Dahl. Being bored, I watched the Violet scene, someone recommended Taylormadeclips in the comments. I checked it out, and I passed the line you can never go back from.

sugarhigh's picture

Cartoons and stuff started it for me, but i remember, a long time ago, looking on google for "Inflating Women" and the like. yeah i know, it's crazy i found anything looking like that, but i stumbled on Luther's Virtuality story. I was amazed there was something like that on the internet! I printed it out, and read it all the time! I went back and figured out where it came from, and found the first version of this site! I mostly lurked, but have been around every since!

your friendly nighberhood Puffy Cheek Lover!