Your Favorite Inflation Video?

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CobaltSnake's picture
Your Favorite Inflation Video?

I think it's safe for me to say on this forum that inflation videos are awesome, and since the "inflation videos" section of this site is pretty sparce, I want you to tell me your all-time favorite inflation video.

I'll start. I haven't even watched that much DBZ, but this one has to take the cake.

I think I've had too much...

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture




anyway, My personal favorite inflation videos are everything by OnceDeli and Kessa M/Kess Morgana/girlbellystuffer. They both made really quality stuff and got really big, Sadly they don't make things no more.’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 


i had one from galas's store that i bought a while ago and then lost when my previous laptop crapped out :(

she's pumping up balloons until they pop with a footpump, and then she sees that the viewer is spying on her, so she hooks the footpump to the viewer (it's pov style) and inflates them until they explode. the whole time she stares at the camera describing how big and inflated the viewer's body is getting. it's deliciously brutal.

i'd say that video's the best i've seen so far for what i like, although it wasn't perfect for me..she plays the role of the viewer's aunt (i don't understand the family-role stuff in porn and fetish videos but hey whatever works for others) and she's using a footpump and not one of the T shape pumps, but otherwise it's pretty awesome. 

if she was wearing a big round puff jacket in the video it'd be unbelievable O_O


I just really enjoy suit and full body inflation so it's hard to pick one that really stands out as a clear favorite. I'd probably have to go with one of the Taylormadeclips I have or the one where the kinkykinglatex guy blew up a model in a suit. RIP that video :(

MixMaster (not verified)

I personally prefer amatuer videos that people post to youtube and the like. There is something more intimate and special about them that I don't get with other videos, like TMC or just random clips from movies and television, possibly the profit motive or disconnct from the actual fetish side of things looming in the background, whereas the amatuer videos are for the love of the fetish.

SpryCarrion's picture

Rain's Bubble Burst fatality in Mortal Kombat 9. Male version.

I would peg that as my personal favorite video. Although it's bittersweet to watch knowing that it could very likely go down as the last inflation fatality to ever be featured in a MK title. I'd like to be optimistic about the chances of seeing one in future installments, but after MKX, it feels like they buried it all for good : ("


Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture
It's certainly not the prettiest, but in terms of realism (and ideal scenario) I have to pick that one. 

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)



I'll just put this here...