Squeak Latex is for sale?

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Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture
Squeak Latex is for sale?

Not sure how many of you just heard, but apparently the Squeak Latex business is planning to go on sale. 

I won't lie when I say this spiked my heart rate. I sure hope that IF it gets sold, production only increases and quality isn't lost, because many people agree that Squeak has some of the, if not the best inflatable suits on the market.


I might have to splurge and make one last order if it comes to that. What do you all think? I'm sure it's not an easy decision for Blowup_Boy.

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airtankgirl5's picture

I'm thinking I'd like to see their financial statements.


Ugh, if I only had the money, I'd do this in a heartbeat.  I'd love to make suits for people someday, it's a blue sky dream of mine.  I hope this turns out well :(

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

If I was willing to blow that much money on something that isn't either food, Clothes, Or things to fuel my league of Legends addiction, I'd probably care more.

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

MixMaster (not verified)

Hmm. Well, the Twitter feed seems to pretty much tell the whole story


Can't blame the guy for trying, hopefully he's able to make a good deal with someone on the rights to the brand and the new owner will keep innovating and holding things to a standard of quality that I've been told they are known for.

deleted_20180328 (not verified)

Wish I had the time and money as I ran a company before in the same field.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Apparently, a guy over on FetLife is trying to run a GoFundMe to raise funds for the purchase, but I'm unsure of his previous qualifications. Running a company (as I'm sure you know) is not easy, and as I'm sure you also know, VERY time consuming.

I suppose we will wait and see things for now.

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deleted_20180328 (not verified)

No its not easy. I did message squeak about it but unless I get funded there's no way. Plus the legalities of buying a US(?) company is way beyond my understanding. 

If I was going to do it myself again I'd find a supplier in my own country or learn to build suits myself. The frustration of outsourcing abroad was immense.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Perhaps if it comes down to it, we can set up a funding thing for you? If you have experience with that kind of stuff then (while I couldn't support much financially) I'd be willing to help you to start up. 

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deleted_20180328 (not verified)

Maybe in the future.  Thanks for the support though. 

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

No problem. Shoot me a message anytime if you want to continue a conversation about this.

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