if you could remake the violet scene...

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MidriffManiac's picture
if you could remake the violet scene...

what would be different?

would the girl be different? 

would it even be a girl????

what would she look like?

what would she be wearing?

how big would she get?? ;o

im really curious since you guys are so frikkin creative

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Honestly? I'd like to see someone enjoy it, and not in some sexual way either. Totally fine how others want it and I know it's not the source, but I'd like to see a scene where the character knows it happens, or if not they at least enjoy what's happening and it's fun to them. Can be Gender-Neurtal.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


that's interesting!

the closest example i remember is the Canadian fan-made cartoon you've posted. Are there other movies or cartoons like that?

what if Violet scene would be remade same way?


And somehow the continuation of this discussion is happening here


Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Canadian fan made cartoon?

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Reboot season 3 episode 6 or 7

now imagine Violet doing that...



I would erase it from the movie completely. I don't like the scene or everyone's fixation on it. 


Erase the only scene in the entire span of filmdom that has actual good female expansion? Seems fair.

Name one other female inflation scene that has actual influential merit. The only other one that could come close is the Aunt Marge scene, and that's completely ruined by an unattractive actress being an old lady.

Seriously why say this? You're on a site about body inflation. Kind of an irksome post.



Staying on topic, I would have loved Dakota Fanning as the blueberry girl for the 2005 remake, if we are going by similar age.

Jennifer Lawrence with her Hunger Games look if any age.


Just stating my opinion. Just because 99% of people on here blow their load over that scene doesn't mean I have to


You have to admit, in terms of how ground breaking it was to the community, it was essential. Removing the scene, theoretically, would mean a huge dropoff in inflationists, inflation art, and the fetish would be severely under explored. The scene, even if you dont like it, brought the community together. It's the only quality female inflation scene on TV screens soth a budget behind it. Really sad, I do wish we had more options and didn't have to exasperate the violet blueberry scene..but...it's all we really got *sigh*


Well, I personally love the All That inflation scene the 2nd best, but even then. Males on the other hand have a humongous plethora of inflation scene to choose from.


The violet blueberry scene...it's our female inflation lovers only thing to cling on to. Roald Dael could have easily made Violet a guy and killed the only worthwhile female inflation scene in existence. I respect the hell out of him for making it female, even if inspiring the fetish wasn't his intention hehehe. 


Why did i type this? Intoxication at this time...but I stand by what I said.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

No need to be aggressive, Yonder. The thread asked for his opinion and he gave it. He didn't insult the fandom and he didn't say it was a bad thing, just that if he could change it down the road, he would.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Thank you.

airtankgirl5's picture

Well technically, the question isn't "what's your opinion on the Violet scene?"  it's "How would you remake it".  So, his response is pretty much inflammatory trolling, which means he's earned whatever hostility he gets.



My response was not "inflammatory trolling", nor did I intend it to offend anyone. I literally gave my opinion, which related to the topic at hand. Jesus

MixMaster (not verified)

Im curious as to wether you genuinely hate the scene in particular or just hate the people who obsess over it. I can't say that it didn't have it's profound effect on me as a child, seeing as how I attribute it partially to the development of this fetish, however, I can agree with being frustrated by many people's obession over it. You wouldn't believe how many people I've talked to that want to roleplay that scene exactly, word for word, and it's honestly kind of boring. I can see the appeal in it, something happening against your will, in front of a crowd, that you have the capability of stopping whats happening, yeah, sounds like a gas, however, if that is the case, instead of just plugging in variables into the scene like "Well I'd want this reaction, this outfit, this actress, etc.", how about, I don't know... Write your own story? Plenty of other people have done it and just used the blueberry part as a vehicle, not just rehashing someone else's work from 50 years ago. I think this is a mistitled thread to begin with simply for the reason I posted below: Done in any other context, it wouldn't fit in the movie and if you change it to suit your particular tastes, you're just creating fapping material. The movie wasn't called "Willy Wonka and the Sexual Chocolate Factory", we just took the concept and ran with it.


I wouldn't say I hate either the scene itself or the people who enjoy it. I myself just don't like it, and find the amount of content centered around it staggeringly high. I don't blame anyone for liking what they like. 

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

I'm guessing this might be what furries feel like about Zootopia and Robin Hood now

MixMaster (not verified)

Huh... could you elaborate? I don't really keep with happenings in that community seeing as how it's not really my bag, but I'm intrigued.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Not really my bag either but I do know that Disney's Robin Hood movie from the 1970s is generally considered to be the 'kickstarter' for arguably a majority of furries. You can also see on DA that there's definitely a disproportionate amount of material relating to it despite its age. In the same vein as 1971 Violet I am sure there are many in that community who are also tired of Robin Hood being rehashed the same way for the hundredth time.

in the same way that 05 Violet is seen as a huge kickstarter for a new gen of inflators Zootopia must be the same for their niche. Just some parallels between the two communities

MixMaster (not verified)

Ah, I see what you're driving at, interesting.


I'd say a similar scene but with an older girl with a sexier outfit. The scene would play out like the original, she chews a piece of gum and begins to expand except more emphasis is placed of her body swelling. As she chews juice drips out of her lips and her cheeks bulge. Instead of almost instantly becoming round like the first movie different parts of her would swell. Her breasts, ass and belly causing her cloths to rip off.

In the end she's either juiced back down to size by a couple of hot girls or bursts.  

MixMaster (not verified)

Frankly, the scene is fine as it is, though I am more of a fan of the older movie overall, simply for the use of actual props Vs CG. Done in any other context, it wouldn't fit in the movie and if you change it to suit your particular tastes, you're just creating fapping material, which is already pretty abundant elsewhere.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Good post

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

firnov's picture

You know as a part of just "that" movie its just fine. This movie is most focused to entertain children. And i dont think it would be nice for children to have a erotic based scene.

But if there would be a remake for "us". HELL YEAH!!!

First i would like a 18+ aged violet (it makes it more comfterbul i think). Also the scene would be a bit longer. so we have mote time to watch the inflation in its full glory. Also a small as violet is rolled out of the room i would like to hear a "bang", or a pop scene on a bonus DVD. (A pop makes it more intresting for me).

I dont mind the clothing much. Only she need to wear it to in the inflation (not that they have to replace her clothing with some ruber inflation suit).

The last one is personally i think. I would like that violet is played by a latina or dark skinned actress. 

And boom goes the inflatee


If I could have it my way, I'd replace Violet with a boy, but I prefer seeing male inflation, so I know I'm in the minority for that.

Preferably, I'd change it so that all the kids would be college aged, and the violet replacement would be a hyper-comptetive "bro" type who gets the gum, swells up huge in front of the small tour group, and possibly ends with an explosion of blue juice and foam. 

CobaltSnake's picture

   What WOULDN'T I change? Instead of Violet expanding, I think her mother (Missi Pyle) should've been the one to chew the gum. She wouldn't become house-sized like how violet does in the remake. She'd probably be about 12 feet in volume. In terms of how I would make it, I would use much more practical effects. I'd use a suit, but maybe fill it with water or use an effect to make it seem more like she's filling up with liquid. Over it, she would be wearing the purple disco suit from the musical with a pink belt around her stomach area. I'd use all of the slohsy sounds to exentuate her body filling up. Oh, and she'd pop with blueberry juice flying all over the walls. I now want to write a story about this...

"Oh my goodness! I'm so round! I bet I could submit myself into the county fair and get a whole bunch o' mone-" *BOOOOM*

I think I've had too much...

TheBlueBerry girl
TheBlueBerry girl's picture

Please do D it will make my day.

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

Good post.

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

CobaltSnake's picture

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, also it's nice to know someone here watches Vinesauce.

I think I've had too much...

Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

No I'm being legit.

Also, i'm very happy someone else watches vinesauce like wow this is fantastic.

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

MidriffManiac's picture

love this one


if i could remake Violet scene, then i definitely wouldn't pretend the effect of the bubblegum the factory produces is a complete surprise to factory's director - such accidents are so bad for reputation IRL that current scene might teach a wrong lesson to kids. Instead, i'd have oompa-loompas (who could be oompa-ladies) entertain tourists by playing bubble football ^_^


What would be different?  She would be a young woman.  It really freaks me out how she's underage.  Appearance apart from that is fairly unimportant. 

She'd be wearing something blue, although beyond that it's not important.  I like the red belt.  Before I lost my tracksuit fetish, she'd've been wearing a tracksuit of course.  Nowadays, possibly something exposing her belly.

Also, I've never been into the limbs being engulfed by the body, so her limbs would be splayed out like a starfish by the pressure and still be fully exposed.  This is how she's drawn in the first edition of the book.

Her size is fine.

I'm another one of those people for whom it didn't do a huge amount.  I never got into the blueberry thing at all and it made it less arousing, as did the disappearance of her limbs.
