Popping as Euthanasia

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Popping as Euthanasia

Something which came up on "I want to pop for real" thread:

I think it's clear that if someone in the prime of life and with everything to look forward to would, I very much hope, not go through with any plan to inflate themselves until they popped for real.  Not only would it mean they missed out on a fruitful and enjoyable life in all sorts of ways, but it would also devastate people close to them and probably have terrible repercussions for the rest of us.


One thought I have had about this is that if I am unlucky enough to be diagnosed with a fairly slow terminal or otherwise serious illness which was not initially incapacitating but would eventually make my life unbearable, I might well just decide to inflate myself to bursting for real.  This has several advantages:

  • It means you're not afraid of dying because in advance you can think of it as orgasmic even if it turned out not to be.
  • It's a form of euthanasia.
  • You or someone else would get to find out what would really happen.
  • You can use the prospect that one day it really will happen to you to make your fantasies even more enjoyable, e.g. you can look down at your body and think "one day this really will blow up like a balloon until I pop".
  • Actually doing it would at least initially be absolutely awesome.
Downsides are:
  • It could reflect badly on other people with this fetish.
  • It might be horrible for the people closest to you and also embarrassing, and awful for anyone who found your remains.
  • What if it turned out to be absolutely horrible and disappointingly ineffective?
So what do you all think?  Am I just insane for even thinking of this or is it a good idea?  I hasten to add that I'm currently living a good life with fantastic things going on and everything to live for, so we're talking hovercars and holidays on the Moon far future but even so, maybe one day.  And. would you do it in these circumstances?



Margeret Moonlught
Margeret Moonlught's picture

I personally think that the cons outweigh the pros. The biggest one being that it sounds incredibly painful, I mean you're literally overfilling your stomach until it fucking explodes. Good on paper, Bad on the field.

Regardless, This makes for some fantastic writing fuel. I'll have to write this concept down, It's really quality.



also first person to post in a nineteenthly thread what do I win

BI.org’s very own metamorphic incomprehensible memetic fractal entity 

ballooningbitch's picture

Considering how Our bodies work (on a highschool level that is) I dont think you'd get very far. The body is like a glass bowl at times, nigh unbreakable in the face of doom, fragil as all get out when ya need it most. I think the body would be far to tense to truely inflate and would just resualt in a premature blowout with your insides leaking all over your... insides. Deadly? Oh yes, of course, of course. Anywhere near orgasmic? I highly doubt that... but again, thats my opinion and I went to school in  Good Ol' 'Murica so I'm more than likely wrong.


Though I do agree above me, lovely writing fuel.

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture

Really Ninteenthly, with how lacking and unpopular the forums are these days I'll take anything that's meaningfully posted. 

On that note, no it isn't insane, I think it's a great way to spark discussion on a topic I haven't seen before.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)


Legal and practical problems aside, I might consider it.  To be honest, assuming the terminal disease allowed for it, I might try training to absorb the enormous amount of water I used to be able to hold via oral/enema entrance. After achieving that minor miracle, I'd follow that up with five or six quarts of nitroglycerin, revel in the full feeling and thrill of having such a dangerous substance inside me and then end it at an appropiate moment.  Also have to do it where no lives/property damage wold be risked (that's ten to thirteen pounds of high explosive gently sloshing in my belly).

That said, I'd probably only do this were I single or widowed.  To top it off, I have no idea if that much of the substance is would be poisonous or not.  So with my luck, it'd cause a fatal heart attack and I'd be found dead, with the stuff leaking out my body openings.  Alternate Bad Ending: for some reason that much high explosive isn't enough to end me quickly and I'd linger.  

But hey, I'm assuming a terminal illness like the Big 'C' orsomething, so I'm thinking I'd risk it.


I've actually considered this before...

If I were to be diagnosed with an incurable disease that was going to eventually kill me one day, then I would definitely consider inflation to end my life. I'm a popper, I find the concept of popping erotic in inflation art and stories... but also fantasies in real life. I explode quite a bit in most of my daydreams.

Dunno how I'd go about it though, our bellies aren't that stretchy - at least those who haven't "trained" their belly - and may only inflate to a certain size before ceasing, getting only tighter and tighter from then on. I have seen many people inflate to incredible sizes though, including surprising myself while inflating in the shower, so who knows how big we'll get. In the end up, I might just tape the shower hose to my ass and let the water fill me up until I go boom.

The pain is something that puts me off though... but, guiltily, I have thought of pain from overinflation as fairly orgasmic. The tightness growing in the pit of your belly, the tautness of your skin, the strain on your organs before they pop like party balloons, all the while your belly continues to plump on out. Sure, it'd be painful but there's a fucked up part of me who'd enjoy it. I'm not too sure about taking anesthetic, it might dull some of the pain but might also ruin the inflation as well if it pretty much dulls your entire body. In the end, might not even feel anything, not even the inflation, so I'd imagine I wouldn't take any sort of medicine to reduce the pain. Besides, I've never thought about bursting without at least some of the pain or indication that I'm gonna blow. Would be pretty anti-climatic without the typical wide-eyed horror, hands clawed into my big growing straining belly, deep red stretchmarks and purple veins bulging from the sides, as I brace myself and scream "I'm gonna explode!" But I wouldn't remove the hose... or whatever's blowing me up...

So, yeh, I'm up for that and will probably top myself in the shower or somewhere else with a water hose or something, maybe I'll come across a drinking tap somewhere out in the middle of nowhere and hook myself up to that. It sounds... surprisingly orgasmic.


It doesn't add up ^_^

If you have a terminal disease and you give up on living - that's your euthanasia within weeks if not days.

And if you have fun living - then you carry on for years even with a terminal disease and don't care about euthanasia.

My father who lived 11 years with the last stage of "Big C" - and not just "lived" but worked full time till his last day, did DIY about the house and travelled - loved an anecdote:

 - Tell me, are you happy?

 - What other choice do i have? ^_^


When 'terminal disease' and 'euthanasia' are used, I'm assuming things have progressed to the point where you want to do this before losing the ability to control your future (intense pain, joint/muscle damage, loss of brain or motor skills, etc.).  I don't think any of us mean "Oh, I've got canacer, gonna go pop now."  


At least, that's how I'm reading it.  

Blue_Eyes's picture

Jesus Christ....this forum sometimes.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

airtankgirl5's picture


MixMaster (not verified)



Love the nitroglycerin idea, hfilled!  Apparently the detonation happens at 7700 metres per second, so you'd be gone in less than a millisecond.  It is actually a heart drug as well, so that's quite interesting, although I'm sure that would be a fatal dose.  Just imagine how careful you'd have to move.  The slightest gurgle and you'd detonate.

I thought a period of training, so you get bigger every day, would help, and possibly you just get bigger every day until one day you burst, but you don't know when that will happen.  You could avoid the stomach rupture by introducing subcutaneous air or inflating your peritoneum as is done with a laparoscopy.

Also, it would be kind of money no object with equipment, gases and the like because you don't need to worry about eating into your savings, and in fact you could just pay one installment on credit and be done with it!

Definitely good fuel for a story.  I might have a go at it actually, it's been a while.  And please, anyone else who wants to have a go too.




If you really think about how popping would kill you, there's absolutely no way it could be clean, quick, or even relatively painless. Your belly bursting would not do significant damage to any of your vital organs. You would die slowly and horribly, bleeding out through a gaping hole in your abdomen, guts lying in a heap on the floor. That's even assuming you could get your outsides to pop at the same time as your insides. If your stomach, intestines, or bladder burst first, the pain would probably incapacitate you too much to continue and you'd die even more slowly, though no less painfully, from internal bleeding.

Fantasy popping, even somewhat painful fantasy popping, is all well and good, and I'm a big fan of it. I can say honestly that I might even prefer to die that way, under certain circumstances. There are worse ways to go. But I can think of very few worse ways to die than popping as it would be in real life.


I think Nineteenthly discusses fantasy only - she even offers to write a story about it.


I was wrong to think it's about reality, and apologize for misleading you.

Actually, if we absolutely have to speak about it - there was a death penalty of overfilling with 10 litres of water via anus in Middle Ages, and then leaving that witch to die. What you describe is also present in Malleus Maleficarum, I don't think anybody dreams of reliving Middle Ages ^_^


Yes, at this point I'm talking about fiction.



Jinx's picture

I've actually thought about this, it would be a very interesting thing in an alternate universe. People with a terminal illness get the option of how they want to go and if they pick popping they doctors would kill of their nerve endings all over their body (probably with a drug) so you can no longer feel anything. Maybe if they are advanced enough only pain would be blocked so you won't feel pain. Then they would let you go home or go with someone that hase the same interests as you and they spend your last moments with you filling you. Even if your insides burst before your outsides you wouldn't know, you would either just do to sleep once you blead out internally or after your skin ruptures you would probably pass out from hydrolic depressurization to your cardiovascular system and not wake back up.


I actually wonder if you'd be so high on endorphins that it wouldn't hurt.  The trouble is there's only one way to find out and you wouldn't be in a position to tell anyone what you discovered.
