How To "git gud" At RPing?

   I'm not what you'd consider "confident". It's just kinda hard for me to write something "sexy" without putting some thought behind it. Do you guys have any decent advice that wouldn't make me look like an akward peice of shit?

airtankgirl5's picture

Ok, late night mildly drunk post time :)

How can you not be confident over chat?  You have all the time in the world to craft your responses, you have none of the pressure of speaking in real time.  

But as to the actual question, I have bad news sport, there's no such thing as "being gud" at rping.  What there is, is being compatible with the people you are rping with.  In this case I am going to define "compatible" by two qualities: "Style" and "Taste"  

For example: One of my favorite RP buddies is a fellow member here, and his RPing style is long, intricate, paragraph length posts written in the third person, which is cool.  A lot of work, but cool.  Another RP buddy of mine uses simple sentances in first person, very stream of consciousness, which is also a great deal of fun.  So, if I were unable to accomodate a longer post style, I would not be compatible with #1.  Or if I felt that stream of consciousness wasn't my thing and I needed longer, more involved posts, then I wouldn't be compatible with #2.  If you can't match styles with your partner, you're likely to have problems.

Next, I find it equally important, if not more so, to have similar tastes.  My personal tastes:  Gases only.  Helium preferred, non foci specific, reluctant inflatee.  I like floating, I have a bit of a burping kink, and I tend to get silly.  Or, things I don't like: Popping, blueberry, feeding, furries.  So, if someone shares your tastes, that's common ground from which to build adventures.  Someone wants you to do something that you aren't into, move along.  

So, if that is the criteria, how is it developed into "mad RP skillz"?  Once again, my mathey-sciency brain, even drunk, qualifies this into "Communication" and "Consideration".  

Comminucation is the work that goes into a RP before the RP has started.  It's the 20 questions of cybersex.  What do you like, what does your partner like?  The more depth and candor here, the more it pays off in the RP.  If you don't know that they REALLY get off on clothes bursting, you're missing a major opportunity to make your partner happy.  Similarly, if you are too shy to tell your partner that you want to be floated around your office and embarassed publicly (of COURSE this is a thing), then you're cheating your partner out of a major opportunity to make you happy.  One of my friends and I even incorporated this phase into our conversations.  Everytime I found out something he was too shy to talk about and held out on me, he inflated some :)

Which brings us to Consideration.  It's easy to overlook online, but the difference between good lovers and bad lovers is the same in RL and chat: Good ones give a crap that their partners are satisfied.  If you don't think it does, you are SOOOO wrong, and that's why that RP partner you may have wanted isn't chatting you back.

In summation: If you can't have confidence then gather as much intelligence as you can on your partner, and try your best to satisfy them.  Competence breeds confidence. 



CobaltSnake's picture

Thanks! This is really solid advice. Maybe if I ever decide that I can crawl out of the dirty hole that my self-doubt, I can use this idea.

I think I've had too much...


I'm not sure that you really need confidence to RP, I struggle with confidence in real life but I don't think it affects my RPing.

ATG is right about compatability though, I've tried to force RPs through with people I wasn't compatable with before, either because I liked something they said, or simply because they were available and nobody else was at that time and I was feeling horny.

But if one of you is trying to tolerate something the other is into, or even if you're totally OK with it but just not really into it then it will end up unsatisfying for both of you, and it will just get worse as you struggle to think of what to write back and phone it in to an extent. For example, with me popping is a must, you will get people who say 'well it's not my thing, but I don't mind, I can pop if you want' and while that may seem very gracious of them it won't be as fun as RPing with a girl who really really does want to explode in the RP, and there are side-fetishes that I'm not really into but don't mind so much, like liquid inflation, and I doubt I'd be a great RP partner for someone who was really into that, even though I'm willing to do liquid inflation.

If you find someone who shares your preferences then maybe you'll find all your problems are solved, that suddenly you know what you want to say to them. Just put some thought in, I know different people have different preferences when it comes to length of posts and type of description and such, but I don't think I've ever met someone who says 'the less descriptive the better'. I don't think comments like 'I'm getting bigger' and 'I'm so full' or 'I start to inflate you' really turn anyone one. We have a rather crazy fetish that requires a hell of a lot of imagination in order to get off, and when you RP with someone you need to really fill out that imagination, let them know exactly the picture you have in your head so they can share it.


I'd be happy to give you some face to face feedback/do some rping with you at some point if you're interested.

sugarhigh's picture

Keep trying, for one thing. I keep all of my rps, over the years, and I sometimes go back to my first ones, they are pretty awful!  Look at your mistakes,  and try better next time. Also, play off your partner.  Pick up on things they do that you like, and add them to yourself. Follow their lead, if your not confident. And talk it out. Maybe your being to hard on yourself. Sorry if this was disjointed, maybe I should be talking, heh!

your friendly nighberhood Puffy Cheek Lover!